In desperate need of kick a.. friends, 50+lbs to loose the only thing I want to add are friends!



  • Odilerubia
    Odilerubia Posts: 80 Member
    Wow, how wonderful all of you to hear from you! I for sure will add you to my list, but it takes some work, since if you add one friend you can not go back to the same page and have to start with the homepage all over again....??? anyone has an idea how to do this quicker??
  • HubbyCallsMeAL
    HubbyCallsMeAL Posts: 3 Member
    I am new to this, and I am in desperate need of support and motivation.

    I signed up maybe over a year ago and haven't done anything. I would love to lose 70+ pounds.

    I am Asthmatic and Diabetic, and I know that having a great support system is one of the main reasons that I lost weight before.

    My daughter and I are doing this together. She is fifteen years old and one of the reasons I wanted to do this was for her. I don't want her to go through High School being bullied or ridiculed because of her weight.

    I am glad for this forum, we need all the help we can get too! Please add me, everyone and I hope to talk to all of you soon! I am trying to be good and log into this at least once a day or maybe more :)
  • CrystalArmstrong1
    CrystalArmstrong1 Posts: 59 Member
    friend request sent! :)
  • thenananator
    thenananator Posts: 273 Member
    Not sure if I am kick a** or not but I am going to try! Just started today.
  • peachy1717
    peachy1717 Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I can always use more friends to motivate and encourage each other. I have 80 pounds to lose!
  • theskinnyonme
    theskinnyonme Posts: 443 Member
    feel free to add me. one can not have to many friends plus i m funny to. (well my cats think so)
  • mommaesq
    mommaesq Posts: 7 Member
    I'm looking to lose 50 pounds. Always looking for new friends to share in the struggle and success!!
  • hansel2001
    hansel2001 Posts: 11 Member
    please feel free to add I love to learn how other people are doing I need all the support I can get
  • AnguishLanguish
    AnguishLanguish Posts: 149 Member
    Feel free to add me! My first goal is to lose 50 (100-110 is my overall goal).
  • adpiorkowski
    adpiorkowski Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • midnightjogger
    midnightjogger Posts: 45 Member
    Feel free to add me I have 95 to Pounds to lose.
  • wildfire1204
    wildfire1204 Posts: 237 Member
    edited January 2016
    6.5 down, 55 to go. We are all in this together! Add me if you'd like
  • scyssy
    scyssy Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • villarreal_viv
    villarreal_viv Posts: 13 Member
    Feel free to add me i need to go down 70lbs and i just had a baby so im super busy but im really into doing this now
  • Wwer_Onelasttime
    Wwer_Onelasttime Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'm new here and have a goal to lose 30 at least by June when I turn 40 :(
  • Monnie67
    Monnie67 Posts: 88 Member
    Add me on I don't have as much weight to lose (10 lbs) but it requires more discipline for me. You have to workout and for everyone watch what you eat and PORTION CONTROL.