Healthy Eating on a Budget



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited January 2016
    We don't buy meat (husband doesn't eat it and I just order it occasionally in restaurants) so that cuts a lot out of our grocery budget off the top. We sub with beans, chickpeas, lentils, eggs, etc..and since he will eat fish/seafood we do buy shrimp and fish but it's usually cheaper varieties.

    Really I think planning is the #1 thing that helps us. Writing out a detailed list of about 5 different breakfast, lunch, and dinner options (a couple are repeated and we usually dine out 1-2 times on Saturday). Buying ONLY items to fill our menu list, and using up most items we have on hand. We purposely plan a mix of meals so we have easy/quick stuff for busy nights and more time-consuming options for lazier days, and very low cal (tofu veggie stir fry) along with more indulgent meals (Japanese curry and craft beer). This is helpful for us in staying on track with eating at home, and we still don't spend a lot. ALWAYS gotta have a freezer full of bagged frozen vegetables and staple items like rice, pasta, beans, etc. I'm a big fan of buying in bulk on things we truly use a lot of (oatmeal, peanut butter) and just grabbing the regular size for lesser used items (coconut milk). Bulk spices from the ethnic markets are a HUGE money saver.

    We have almost zero waste in our household and we eat tons of fruits & vegetables. We are just very conservative in which ones we buy (in season, some for nearly immediate consumption within 48 hrs and then others that will last later into the week). I think that helps more than any coupon clipping ever could. I know my mom (just for example) goes to the grocery store with good intentions sometimes and then by midweek she has nothing that really "works" to make a simple healthy meal and winds up at McDonald's instead, and throwing out several pieces of bad produce. Cleaning out her fridge involves well intentioned frozen chili, casseroles, etc, and expired Lean Cuisines. We never really have anything like that in my house. If something is frozen it's usually thawed and eaten in a couple of weeks' time because we know we would be like "ugh" 3 months down the road and toss it.

    OMG, I used to be your mother, but now I am you! Except that I do eat meat :smile:
    My normal garbage day routine used to include check and empty fridge of rotten produce and leftovers. I don't have to do that anymore. I feel so much more at ease around food now that I plan to just eat things I like (while still healthy), and (mainly) buy just what I intended to buy.
  • muscleandbeard
    muscleandbeard Posts: 116 Member
    Rice, beans, eggs, bananas, ground beef, chicken.
  • bunnylolo
    bunnylolo Posts: 1 Member
    We check the flyer specials and build meals around that. For example, there is a local farm/store near my house that has sweet potatoes on special this week for .69/lb, whereas the other grocery stores and dept. stores like Walmart are selling them for 1.69/lb or more. It takes a little more time, but the money we save doing it this way makes it worth it. We also buy dried beans, flour and other staples in bulk, which stretches our dollars and use that in place of meat often. We buy frozen fruit and frozen veggies from Costco for stir fries, soups, side dishes, smoothies, to add to oatmeal, etc. In the summer, there are lots of local farmer's markets in my area and we take advantage of that because their prices are usually way better. Towards fall, we stock up to make homemade jams, soups, etc. before the markets close for winter.
  • ZeroDelta
    ZeroDelta Posts: 242 Member
    edited March 2016
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    Aldi accepts debit cards & cash - no credit. (Although my son in Richmond, VA said their new Aldi DOES take credit cards.)

    Aldi now takes credit cards at all US stores.
  • hockeysniper8
    hockeysniper8 Posts: 253 Member
    I have cut back on red meat since prices have gone up. Buy bulk chicken from costco, sweet potatoes wherever is cheapest, canned tuna.
  • MissMonicaC4
    MissMonicaC4 Posts: 279 Member
    I but meat from an awesome Mennonite family close to me. The prices are amazing and I adore them haha. The quality is nice and healthy. We but veggies from a farm here in the summer. Summer rocks haha but is so short in northern Ontario. Other times I watch the sales. I meal plan so I'm not buying extra junk. I buy in bulk when the price is right. And frozen veggies will work when fresh is too costly!
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    I know it isn't the best option but I buy the big bags of frozen chicken and tilapia and canned veggies. My fiance eats enough for 4 people so it just gets too expensive to buy tons of fresh stuff.