Building a support base!!!

Hey everyone!! I'm looking to build a support base in my journey!! I'm an active member of FitGirlsGuide and just recently started Couch to 5k. Truly looking to make 2016 MY year. Last year I turned 26 and something happened and I lost sight of what I wanted, who I was. I put on about 15-20 pounds at my new job. I was depressed. 2016 is a new start, a new me. I've tried fads and diets and gyms tons of times before, but I've never felt like this. Ready to work, sweat, bleed and burn for a new me! Anyone else looking for buddies?!? Friend me! ❤️



  • Hot_Mama2016
    Hot_Mama2016 Posts: 13 Member
    Buddy here. Make a clear plan (routine) for your workouts and stay focused. I have also put on 25 pounds from my job in the past year but have lost 10 so far. I'm looking to lose the rest and make 2016 my best year too