Greek Yogurt



  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    For me the price difference isn't worth it. Tried it once and didn't like the texture.

    Thank you! I thought I was the only one.

    People are saying it's similar to sour cream. I don't like sour cream- could this possibly be why I don't like Greek Yogurt?

    Likely could be the reason:wink::laugh: The first time I tried it was a few years back, so pulling from memory here. It was Fage Cherry and the cherry was in a seperate compartment than the yogurt and you or I (not sure what the rules were on eating it properly lol) took a bit of cherry mix and and bit of the plain yogurt and ate it together on the spoon. I was instantly in love and in Heaven all at the same time. Now without the Cherry stuff in it, hm, might of been a very different experience.:ohwell:

    Well, mine was supposed to be vanilla flavored. I took a bite, and I didn't like it or hate it. I swallowed, then the second it went back down, it flew back up. Not sure why... but Greek yogurt seems to provoke my gag reflex. But so does sour cream. :D
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I tried it for the first time this week. I HATE sour cream and not knowing what the plain would be, I got plain since I am trying to cut down on sugars. It was so sour and bitter. I managed to eat the whole cup, but a few times I thought I wasnt going to be able to swallow it...

    ...maybe I should have started off with a flavor (strawberry or honey maybe) and not worried about the sugar so much...
  • jbwegner
    jbwegner Posts: 254 Member
    I tried it for the first time this week. I HATE sour cream and not knowing what the plain would be, I got plain since I am trying to cut down on sugars. It was so sour and bitter. I managed to eat the whole cup, but a few times I thought I wasnt going to be able to swallow it...

    ...maybe I should have started off with a flavor (strawberry or honey maybe) and not worried about the sugar so much...

    Yeah, I don't know how people eat the plain stuff. You either HAVE to add some fruit or granola or honey or something. Bu the flavored ones are yummmy! Try one of those before you swear it off!