day 3 advocare challenge

AngelaMiller3 Posts: 13 Member
edited January 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
So Day one of my first challenge and iv'e already discovered what my biggest challenge is going to be ..(it's Eating) i normally get up about noon since i'm not in bed til 2 or 3 a.m. Because its been several years of this my body doesn't tell me im hungry til around 3 in the afternoon then i eat lunch and have dinner around 8 p.m. with a snack after ten .....SOOOOO my lovely Daughter in law Who's also doing the challenge said i need to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks my mind says holy crap....This morning i managed a boiled egg and 6 grapes was gonna have 1/2 avocado with it but it wasn't ripe.. by the time i finished spark , my small breakfast and my fiber i thought i was gonna be sick ,my stomach was hurting and i felt like i had eaten a huge steak dinner all of that took me an hour and a half to get through but (I DID IT) ..then she says you gotta have a snack OMG NOOOOO.....but i did i had a smooshed boiled egg on 1 piece wheat bread and a tsp fat free ranch because i hate bread especially dry bread.....with all this said im very committed despite the fact that the spark kept me from getting my early nap so im running on 5 hours sleep with fibromyalgia on my back and an under active thyroid , all i hope for now is that i get the motivation to do some physical activity, A sever anxiety disorder keeps me home bound for the most part and i haven't exercised in years because well it hurts but i know i can do this and in the end i think my body will thank me and maybe my fibro will back off a bit a give me a small break.......
DAY 2 So i had a pretty rough start to my program yesterday i was pretty sick but i think i figured out that i'm allergic to wheat you would think at 45 years old i would have eaten wheat in my lifetime but truth is i don't really eat bread and just kinda never crossed paths with it. But i stuck to it took every pill and drank every drink , Didn't sleep at all last night because of the rash and severe stomach pain but was able to sleep from 6 to 12 this morning . I started my plan late this morning but had a snack 1 boiled egg and some grapes and had a great lunch 6 oz chicken with sauteed peppers and onions in a tortilla ( i think that was a good meal) feel drained today but refuse to lose motivation ....My hope is that all of you are having a great day and continue to keep motivated... Thank you to Jeana and Eva for your help yesterday....
Feeling alot better this morning


  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    This sounds super-unpleasant.
  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member
    edited January 2016
    What is this? If this is for weightloss you shouldn't be miserable. Something is wrong.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Not sure why you are doing this to yourself. All you really need is a deficit with foods you like to eat.
  • Odilerubia
    Odilerubia Posts: 80 Member
    edited January 2016
    First of all: please see your doctor! Please start reading on Pinterest all the different blogs and articles about fibro if you re too scared to go to your doctor. First thing with fibro as far as I know is to get enough sleep!! Furthermore certain foods are not very good for your system, so please make sure you take good care of your body and yourself. Good luck and keep using your brains and dont let your willpower get in the way of your health!!!

    [edited by MFP Moderator]
  • kiara1066
    kiara1066 Posts: 119 Member
    This sounds horrible! I have read some information about it now and it has horrible risks associated with it such as organ failure. I wouldn't risk my life just eat and maintain a deficit. I have lost almost 10 pounds now eating what I want in smaller portions and working out. When I don't feel like working out I eat 1200 calories, and if I do work out. I eat back half of my calories . See below about health risks it's written by a registered dietician :
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited January 2016
    The OP sounds way nastier than when I started my weight loss plan. Mine is more like this...

    Day 1 of counting calories: Wow! No wonder I got so heavy. I eat like twice as much as I should!

    Day 2: Ok, I have my calorie goal, but I ate almost all of my calories by lunchtime. Better plan ahead for tomorrow so I don't spend half the day starving.

    Day 3: I can eat more if I exercise? Sweet!

    Day 4: I got this.

    Day 353:
  • happymom221
    happymom221 Posts: 73 Member
    Fat free ranch sounds disgusting
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    Fat free ranch sounds disgusting

    It is.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited January 2016
    The OP sounds way nastier than when I started my weight loss plan. Mine is more like this...

    Day 1 of counting calories: Wow! No wonder I got so heavy. I eat like twice as much as I should!

    Day 2: Ok, I have my calorie goal, but I ate almost all of my calories by lunchtime. Better plan ahead for tomorrow so I don't spend half the day starving.

    Day 3: I can eat more if I exercise? Sweet!

    Day 4: I got this.

    Day 353:

    I luv u
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    The OP sounds way nastier than when I started my weight loss plan. Mine is more like this...

    Day 1 of counting calories: Wow! No wonder I got so heavy. I eat like twice as much as I should!

    Day 2: Ok, I have my calorie goal, but I ate almost all of my calories by lunchtime. Better plan ahead for tomorrow so I don't spend half the day starving.

    Day 3: I can eat more if I exercise? Sweet!

    Day 4: I got this.

    Day 353:

    I luv u

  • Devol82
    Devol82 Posts: 80 Member
    The OP sounds way nastier than when I started my weight loss plan. Mine is more like this...

    Day 1 of counting calories: Wow! No wonder I got so heavy. I eat like twice as much as I should!

    Day 2: Ok, I have my calorie goal, but I ate almost all of my calories by lunchtime. Better plan ahead for tomorrow so I don't spend half the day starving.

    Day 3: I can eat more if I exercise? Sweet!

    Day 4: I got this.

    Day 353:

    definately this
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    You don't have to do this.
    The body does not need to be cleansed or detoxed of anything, serious. Just eat normal food and quit taking that herbal bs.

    Weight loss isn't supposed to be torture, and it certainly does not require 'detoxes' and 'cleanses'. Check out the success stories section... Many people lost weight without the "help" of detoxes, fads, pills or cleanses.