100+ pounds to lose and have to do it without completely depriving myself of everything



  • LolaGoFit
    LolaGoFit Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I think you have the right attitude... Let's sort each other in our fitness goals!!
  • santran773
    santran773 Posts: 12 Member
    neceef wrote: »
    I know the title sounds like I am not willing to give anything up but that is not it, I wanted to title it "100+ pounds to lose and want to do it the right way" but honestly for some the "right" way is completely cutting out this or that and I think as long as they are doing what is healthy for them and they can maintain it than I cannot say it isn't right...

    Anyway, I have been trying to lose weight for most of my adult life. I would lose and gain, lose and gain. Now I am at the highest weight I have ever been and I am honestly fed up with it. I have decided that I need to hold to "slow and steady wins the race" kind of attitude. I get so tired of it taking so long to lose the weight so I try this diet and that diet to lose the weight fast and then when I lose the weight I start back eating the same way and gaining it all + some back. So, today I am starting with the mindset that I will cut calories, cut out a lot of the "junk" that I eat and make better choices with my meals. I am going to log everything I eat regardless of if I go over my calories or not and start cutting things back and then out little by little. My goal is to lose 1 pound a week. I would really like some active friends to help me in this change.

    Hey man, check out kinobody on youtube, trust me. I have friends and coworkers who have been up there, near that 300 marker. And all have lost a considerable amount of weight. I'm not advertising, I just want to help. It's called intermittent fasting and it changed my life. Just watch one of his podcast with his clients. You'd be amazed of what you can eat and at the same time, still lose weight. Watching a short video is all it takes.
  • chillllllaaa
    chillllllaaa Posts: 23 Member
    I have 70 lbs to lose & would love to bring support :)
  • msinkko1001
    msinkko1001 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I have about 150 pounds to lose. I used to be in the Army. Thin and in shape. Now, I'm 35 yo and weigh almost 300 pounds. I'm encouraged by your positive attitude and your dedication to a healthier lifestyle!

    Add me and we will do this together!