Just Looking For more support on MFP!

My life is busy with a hubbie to kids one about to graduate and another in pull ups. I work part time and school part time. I'm going to be 38 and need more help this time around


  • Kay2016Sexy
    Kay2016Sexy Posts: 26 Member
    I understand that, My daughter is 9, and I work ou feel 12 hour's a night, 4 day's on 3 day's off. And yesterday made one week for me since joining the gym. But I've already lost 8 lbs just within this one week! I'm so proud of myself. But I'm also a very busy person, So I understand it's hard to take care of everything and your self too. But trying to fit in some dancing, or anything really that's gonna get you moving more then what level of movement your used to is going to help, not only will help you (You know burning more calories), It will also help with making you have more energy cause it will release more imdophans, And that will make you feel great. Don't give up girl you got this!