Those of you who have lost 40 or 50 pounds in 6 months or so what was your workout routine?



  • BuddhaB0y
    BuddhaB0y Posts: 199 Member
    Lost 47lbs in 2 months. But I'm eating at a 5lb a week deficit and I have a lot to lose
  • ModernRock
    ModernRock Posts: 372 Member
    chalonera wrote: »
    I have recently qualified in Health and nutrition, and understanding the facts and basics for me is extremely helpful... so I hope this helps you too...

    -Your BMR does not include walking or talking. It is your energy required for essential functions "at complete rest".

    -Your body will use the water in coffee, tea, fizzy drinks for hydration just fine. There might be other reasons to avoid them, but not getting proper hydration for basic body functions isn't one of them.

    -You don't need to eat breakfast to "kickstart" your metabolism. It doesn't even make sense. If you are moving, then you are getting the energy from somewhere. First law of thermodynamics. If not eating breakfast makes you less active, then I guess you'd have a point.

  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    Walk 5 miles a day on nice days
  • RickyN29
    RickyN29 Posts: 69 Member
    My initial 50 lbs in 6 months was no exercise because I HATE exercise. I just followed the calorie rule and it dropped.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Home videos (Slim in 6, Body Pump) and a lot of walking.
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    Ate at a deficit (check your BMR!), walked a lot!!! Like 10-13 miles a day, 2 hours of cardio most days...but it's really diet that matters most. Now I do elliptical, run intervals and light strength training---I've lost 80lbs from last January to September...and have plateaued at my current weight. Would like to lose my last 10-15lbs this year.

    Best wishes!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Biking, running, and some weights, mainly. I also made a commitment to walk anywhere I possibly could (vs. drive or take a cab, and sometimes instead of public transportation). I biked to and from work quite often, also.

    The key to losing weight was calories, though. The exercise is just something that keeps me motivated and allows me to eat more.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Only time I lost weight that fast I actually wasn't exercising, but I also was extremely heavy.
  • mparadise4098
    mparadise4098 Posts: 2 Member
    I am doing the "circuit training" like curves or the separate room they have at many Planet Fitness (the room that you change exercises when the "traffic light" changes color) combined with being faithful about logging ALL foods that I eat while staying within my calorie goal for the day. Cutting out soda almost completely and switching to unsweetened green ice tea with lemon instead has been a HUGE help too. I know for me the carbonation in soda bloats me to no end and I feel like crap when I drink it, I feel SO much better when I keep to ice tea or infused water with LOTS of ice instead. I have lost 40 in the last 7 months (actually 6 months then maintained over the holidays, now got seriously back on track and lost 2 lbs in the last week). I still eat ANYTHING I want but make sure to measure/weigh it and keep within my daily calorie range with the very occasional splurge day to keep from getting bored.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    48 lbs in first 6 months, 1500-1700 cals, walking 2-4 miles per day, strength training with personal trainer 2x/wk. In 19 mo to date, have lost 126, and now taking batiks fitness classes 4-5/wk, 1x pers tRNA, walk 4-5 mi per day. Still at about 1700 cals.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    For me it was basically none. Now that I've lost 40 lbs and am at a good size, I am slowly starting to exercise more.
  • azelizabeth
    azelizabeth Posts: 34 Member
    I have lost 44.5 lbs in about 5.5 months. The key was logging everything, eating all food groups, and walking 2-3 miles 5 times a week. This is the most successful I have been (I am 51) and I think it's because I am done with crazy diets. I just now started couch to 5k so I am hoping to add running to the mix.
  • parfia
    parfia Posts: 184 Member
    41 lbs in around 6 months. 1500-1800 calories, 4/5 days a week go to the gym and do 30 minutes cardio or weight training (dependant on day) followed by a gym class (bootcamp, spin, circuits or body pump). Also, every day I do a 1.3 mile walk from my daughter's nursery to work and then back again at the end of the day to pick her up :smile:
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Lost 40 pounds in 6 months eating 1400 to 1500 calories a day and swimming hard laps for at least an hour 3 - 4 days a week. although Facebook credited my workout time at upwards of 650 calories per session, I would eat back about 200 to 300 of my exercise calories on a regular basis.
  • IanRS
    IanRS Posts: 68 Member
    I just set my calories up in MFP - first for 2lbs per week, then 1.5lb now I am at 1lb.

    For exercise I walked - sometimes a lot sometimes little - for a while none due to an Achilles problem. By watching my calories and eating back about half what I burned, I dropped at a pretty uniform weight.

    What I am saying is the walking helped me get fitter but had little impact on weight loss (at least the way I was managing it).
  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    I ate at a deficit. One of the months, I laid in bed after surgery. :) I work out now, but that's to look better. The weight loss all came from just eating at a deficit. I didn't quit anything, didn't give up anything. I stuck around 1450 calories.
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    I lost most of my weight without working out. I just did ordinary summer stuff like mowing the grass and such. We live on a big property, so mowing all the grass with a push mower takes 2 hours or so. I'd break it up so that I'd do 1 hour of that twice a week. I also was doing other outdoor chores.

    I didn't start exercising on purpose until I was close to goal and that's mainly because it's very cold now and I can't be bothered to go outside in it. Now I do 1/2 an hour to 45 mins of stationary bike most days and bodyweight based strength training 3x a week.
  • AnguishLanguish
    AnguishLanguish Posts: 149 Member
    ModernRock wrote: »
    chalonera wrote: »
    I have recently qualified in Health and nutrition, and understanding the facts and basics for me is extremely helpful... so I hope this helps you too...

    -Your BMR does not include walking or talking. It is your energy required for essential functions "at complete rest".

    -Your body will use the water in coffee, tea, fizzy drinks for hydration just fine. There might be other reasons to avoid them, but not getting proper hydration for basic body functions isn't one of them.

    -You don't need to eat breakfast to "kickstart" your metabolism. It doesn't even make sense. If you are moving, then you are getting the energy from somewhere. First law of thermodynamics. If not eating breakfast makes you less active, then I guess you'd have a point.


    Thank you for pointing this out.
  • day1appraisal
    day1appraisal Posts: 16 Member
    Just turned 67 a month ago. Badly broken in 2012. Recuperated and left with some permanent injury weaknesses and limitations. Gained between 70 and 80 lbs. between 1/2012 and 3/2015. From 8/2015 to now have gone from 325 to 269. Lost about 10 additional lbs. prior to 8/1/2015. After discussion with my M.D. I signed up with a good personal trainer at my gym who understood my physical limitations. We met once a week for an hour between 4/1 and 6/1/2015. She showed me how to use a variety of resistance machines and complete free weight exercises - adapting for my disability. Squats and steps are something I either have to do first thing or use my cane. She taught and practiced balance techniques with me so I could move safely. She wanted me on 1500 cals per day. That was way too much food for my system to handle. 1100-1200 was weight loss range for me. I also participated in water aerobics classes at least twice a week for 1 hour each and at least two one hour free swim sessions where I water walked and/or swam laps each week. Using a grocery cart as my walker, my husband and I would walk our local big box store at least twice a week early in the a.m. when there were few customers and we could get up a bit of speed.

    All the exercise was good for me. My balance and strength improved greatly, but there was no significant weight loss. If I did a slight ankle or knee twist I could be down for a couple of days and pick up a pound or two. DH and I went through the cupboards and cabinets. We eliminated most of the bread, all the pasta, all the munchies, all the questionable meat products and processed foods - we ate them. Well, he at the bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. I helped eat the lunch meat, hot dogs, sausage &, bacon. Some things like cake mixes, muffin mixes and, canned fruits were donated or thrown out. Those items have never been replaced, by joint agreement. If we absolutely MUST have something sweet or bready or... We go out, purchase one helping and share it OUT. It doesn't come in the house.

    Now, here's the hard part. As of 8/1, I still was not losing weight and I was becoming depressed. I have Type II Diabetes and skin issues related to both the diabetes and stress. My M.D. strongly recommended bariatric surgery and I looked into it. Medicare covered it. After choosing a surgeon, a specific procedure and, a bariatric nutritionist, we moved ahead. From 8/1 to 11/15 I followed the bariatric surgery diet requirements. My portions were doubled or I would have been miserably hungry. However, the diet is a combination of good quality liquid whey protein drinks, healthy carbs (green and colored veggies), soups and, healthy protein sources such as fish, fowl, eggs and, meat. The basic practice is two well chewed bites of protein and one small bite of healthy carbs. During this 3.5 months, I lost between 35 and 40 lbs. My insulin requirements were cut in half by the surgery date.

    Surgery was 11/17/15. I chose the gastric sleeve procedure where everything remained physically in place and normally functional. My stomach was surgically reduced to the size of a very small banana. I have been on the reduced portion sizes since 11/17/15. Weight loss since then has been about the same rate. But I am not tempted to over indulge in food. 3 Squares a day works fine. Have found that excess salt or any MSG greatly affects my weight loss. Chinese food has been eliminated (at least until I lose the rest of my excess weight). After weight loss, I will need to make sure I thoroughly rinse high salt and MSG meals through my system so I do not pick up a couple of lbs. I can now walk the big box stores without a cart, walker or cane. I do take the cane into the gym and put it in my locker. After a 90 to 120 minute work out in the pool or 60 to 90 minutes on the gym floor, I am tired. Usually I'm coming home at night. Oarking lots are not level and after a gym experience I am tired. So, better safe than sorry.
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    I've lost 80 lbs in 10 months (250 -> 170). I do exercise (cardio) at least 6 times a week getting anywhere from 10k - 25K steps a day from speed walking. Also, have a Fitbit Charge HR for the last two months which has spurred me on. Finally, I was faithfully entering my data into MFP and only eating back some of my exercise burn calories.