


  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I go on it maybe once a year for athsmatic bronchitis without any ill effects (except for the aftertaste. Have a snack handy! Within your calories, of course).

    My sister blew up like a balloon when she was on it and grew body hair, but she was put on a ridiculously high dose by a doctor who eventually lost his license after being sued so many times for doing this to people. He also had misdiagnosed her with Chron's, so that didn't help.

    My cat gained a ton of weight after taking it for a bad sinus infection and never lost it again, but we never regulated his diet, either (bad, I know).

    I guess the moral of the story is, take it as directed, keep serious tabs on your eating, and if it gets bad, or you feel like the benefits aren't outweighing the side effects, talk to your doctor, and DO NOT just stop taking it. Depending on the dose, you may need to be tapered off.
  • Jennifer_Chandler
    I was put on it for RA and it makes me feel so much better but is keeping me from weight loss. I had a lot of trouble not feeling so hungry. Good luck!