PiYo Help

I have just started PiYo and actually really like the workouts - I have done Align, Lower and Upper a couple of times each. I do feel at times my alignment is not correct - Down Dog shifts everytime, Warrior 1 and 2 and Triangle all feel too easy sometimes.

Any tips for how to verify my alignment? I was looking online at beginner mats that have alignment markers on them - the Liforme Yoga Mat and Atmananda Yoga Mat both come up as decent options. Has anyone tried these mats? Are they durable? Do they help?


  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    the best way to learn is to go to a few beginner classes.
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    I am on day 4 of PiYo with minimal yoga experience before this. I watched the moves through a few times then tried them. Some seemed too easy and I was sort of disappointed in the ease of the program at first. My husband is also doing it with me so we are checking each others moves, we are some what clueless but we can compare from what we see on the screen and help adjust each other's poses. When you get it right it definitely feels more like work. So my suggestion is have a partner do a few of them with you so you can feel the difference when you get it right. :)