I need to lose my pregnancy weight!! 50lbs!

I gained quite a bit of weight with my last pregnancy. I have always been fit and healthy so this is hard for me! I am on day 3 of exercise and dieting! I need to stay on track!


  • scarlettsmom2013
    scarlettsmom2013 Posts: 67 Member
    I've got 36lbs of pregnancy weight to lose. I did lose some last fall but than gained it all back due to loss of motivation :neutral: So I'm back and I really need to get this weight off! I'm not happy where I'm at and I'm kicking myself for stopping but here's to a new beginning!! Always looking for new friends :smile:
  • SarahObrien2017
    SarahObrien2017 Posts: 12 Member
    It's so frustrating because you know it's going to take awhile to get off! I have to think of how I want to look and feel this summer. It's helping me!
  • ima58er
    ima58er Posts: 37 Member
    Log your calories your eating now. Lower your calories to Drop ten pounds at a time. Don't worry how long it takes. It took me one year to lose 50. I'm not hungry. I just make better chooses when to be bad. Good luck.