Those who didn't/don't like exercising, how long until it became a habit for you?



  • determined24girl
    determined24girl Posts: 382 Member
    I got a gym membership 3 years ago and from the first trip i was hooked. I loved it!!! Then we moved and I never made it back. I couldn't get a babysitter and the gym was 25 miles away. I miss it so much.. :( I got back on the workout band wagon last December with the 21 day fix and by week two I was hooked again. I would still prefer to be in the gym but it just isn't possible right now.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    I have struggled with consistency in my work outs, my whole life. I am the girl, who joined track in high school to lose weight (I only weighed about 115 lb) and spent my conditioning runs, jogging to the donut shop for a donut and eating it on the way back to the track. The most success I have had with consistency has been when I have been working out with a partner/friends. I need the accountability. Last September I won a free 12 week challenge at our local Fit Body Boot Camp. I was hooked on the work-outs the minute I pulled into the parking lot on the first day. It was dark outside at 5am, but the lights were on and the music was pumping out into the cold, dark morning air; and it reminded me of being at the dance clubs when I was younger! The 12 weeks were successful (I lost 25 lbs), but had to say good-bye to that place. $135/month is more than my budget will allow for my fitness!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    A couple of months of lifting - I needed to see the weights increase steadily and feel stronger to want to go. I find lifting fairly boring (challenging, yes, but still boring).

    About a month of running - I had some early problems with shoe fit so it would have been sooner if I hadn't had to find better shoes and take some time for my knees to feel good again.