Over 50, lets make it fun!



  • hagnew0
    hagnew0 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, this looks like a fun place to be. I am 52 and have been here a few weeks, but so far the logging is working. I would love to hear about your couch to 5k experience, I have downloaded the app but feel I hold get a little fitter before I start. Or should I just jump in now? I would welcome more older friends.
  • JennifrClaire
    JennifrClaire Posts: 141 Member
    I'll be 51 in a few weeks. I'm enjoying myself on MFP, so far. I recently got past the halfway point to my goal weight and I am at my best weight for decades. I'm keen to see myself fit into my old size 9/10 jeans by June, fingers crossed.
  • Tinymeaf
    Tinymeaf Posts: 30 Member
    Hey Hagnew0, I would recommend doing some strength training (7 minute workout app is great) twice a week to build a base and to get some low impact work in(elliptical) to build a little aerobic health. You want your knees to be able to handle the impact of running. Set up a run/walk schedule using an app like run trainer. I just started my running this week 2 min walk/3 minute run for 15 minutes.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Looking for friends over 50 with a positive attitude and a great sense of humour to join me on my wellness journey!

    I couldn't agree more that a positive attitude and a great sense of humor is invaluable!

    Please feel free to add me (anyone), and best of luck and continued success to each of us in our wellness journey.
  • 1idd
    1idd Posts: 14 Member
    Coming off being a bit under the weather. Just bought a Garmin vivo smart to be more mindful of my activity (or lack of) level. Important part is to focus on even little changes; it is change in lifestyle that will lead to long term success. Embrace every positive change you adopt!
    Any suggestions for the Vivo smart?
  • deborahks
    deborahks Posts: 3 Member
    Over 50 here. The inner voice is my bully. I'm on board to having fun and changing the inner voice into my motivational speaker. I'm looking for new friends - please add me if you are on board with me too.
  • suelouise1
    suelouise1 Posts: 8 Member
    I loved reading the posts here. I am definitely over 50 (will be 60 this year) and have close to 80 pounds to lose. I would love to add more MFP friends. Feel free to send me a friend request. This is my year to lose weight - I'm determined. I may not be completely at goal at the end of this year, but would like to be close. Let's do this!
  • KalliZiegler
    KalliZiegler Posts: 6 Member
    Looks like this group got off to good start and fizzled.....No posts for while....Time to have FUN again. I am 65 years young and own a real estate firm. After a few medical set backs, the first of the year, I am looking to get back into "wogging" (jogging and speed walking = wogging) to prepare for the Color Run I signed up for happening 28 May. Additionally, I want to lose 25lbs before 1 Sept. I LOVE having fun and traveling. I started a weekly ladies group here in our town and we do adventures every Tuesday evening. the ladies range from 24 to 72, from all walks of life, we include quite a mixture of folks. I can post what we are doing each week to keep you up on how to really have fun. Last Tuesday since it was close to Easter, I planned a Grub & Tub party. (hot tub and pizza). Each lady brought their Easter basket. I made the hunt for their beverages by hiding 19 various bottled beverages all around the yard. They had a blast hunting for their drinks.
  • MindSetBrenda
    MindSetBrenda Posts: 20 Member
    Looking for friends over 50 with a positive attitude and a great sense of humour to join me on my wellness journey!

  • MindSetBrenda
    MindSetBrenda Posts: 20 Member
    Looking for friends over 50 with a positive attitude and a great sense of humour to join me on my wellness journey!