Change is hard.. and that is good.

MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
edited January 2016 in Motivation and Support
This morning, I was scrolling through my FB feed and saw a video of a caterpillar changing into a chrysalis.

The link to a video of the full metamophosis is here, and I encourage you to take a few minutes to watch it: *******************
So often we use the butterfly analogy to symbolize rebirth and transformation...

But RARELY do we like to acknowledge the work and struggle that goes with it.
Change is hard!
Change is painful!
Change is exhausting!
But... Change is often good!

I took my girls to the zoo last summer. They have a butterfly garden - an atrium filled with hundreds of butterflies (mostly monarch, but a few other species).
They also had a chamber where they had about 50 different chrysalises. We got the chance to watch as a butterfly emerged from the chrysalis, and as it was working VERY HARD to do that, the guide explained what had happened and was happening.


One of the things she said, that struck me was something along these lines...
Inside the chrysalis, there is no more caterpillar. It is mush with Monarch DNA. Changing from bug to butterfly requires a complete death and disintegration of the bug before the process of becoming a butterfly can even start.

What I took from this... Damn... that's gotta hurt.

If we want to change... truly change... sometimes those things that need to be changed require for that thing to die in order for it to be able to be transformed into something beautiful.
Sometimes we need to let go completely - of habits, or thoughts, or mindsets - in order to allow ourselves to grow.
The way we were... sometimes has to die in order to become what we want to become. And Damn... that often hurts. It's a mental struggle, a physical struggle, an emotional struggle. There may be panic and fear and worry. But that is OKAY.
Keep working.

Remain determined.
Push through.

Because the end result... Is really worth it.
