Over 100lbs to lose, anyone on the same journey?



  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    hello all. Please feel free to add me. I am trying to lose over 150 lbs. need all the motivation I can get.
  • pballer23
    pballer23 Posts: 12 Member
    28 year old just mom of two, and am the largest I have ever been clicking on 81st 280lbs. Started Monday and am committed to getting my body back. Trying to find people in the same situation or any that have already conquered epic goals for inspiration and motivation during my long journey. Anyone in my boat?
    I am trying to get 160lbs
  • mbellot05
    mbellot05 Posts: 17 Member
    I have about 150 pounds left to go to get to my ideal weight. It is difficult, but completely worth it. I have taken about 14 pounds off so far, and that is really just by changing my diet, counting calories, and drinking a lot of water. It is not "easy", but it is not impossible. My doctor put it to me like this your "why" has to be much stronger than your "what". In my case my "why" is getting in shape to be able to be active and play with my little girl as she grows. Once you have your "why", and understand your "what" doing is much easier.

    Good luck to all those working on a goal, and feel free to add me if you wish.