i need you

Hey y'all. I'm Jessi. I've lost 15lbs since Jan1 and really need motivation to keep going. If you're up for some mutual motivation please add me.



  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Hi Jessi.

    Why are you finding it hard to keep going?

    I'm wondering if your weekly weight loss goal is too strict. Are you depriving yourself of things you love to eat?

    What's your height and weight?
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Jessi

    I too wonder why your struggling for motivation, if losing 15 in 15 days is not motivation enough then I am lost....lol.......

    If your struggling keeping up to the goals then eat more... lose less....

    I see this website a little different from others, I say that your changes should be gradual, my advice to anyone coming to the site is to start off eating what you always do eat, and log that, do that for a week or 2 and get an understanding of what you normally eat to get to where we are today....

    Once you see what your eating, then you can make changes to your diet that are easy to maintain but do it a step at a time, so for instance, quid drinking pop (soda for yanks) do that for a at least 2 weeks, see how you go, then change something else, say half your bread / potato intake for the week, and again wait.....let the changes settle in, get used to it and the changes then become habits......

    Choose things that are relevant to your diet, and log accurately, or your only lying to yourself......by doing this and then seeing how your weight changes, or how your body / mind reacts to these changes can you then understand how to get through them and stick with it.....

    My guess is that you have started counting on here, and possibly halved your usual weekly feed, if not more, and that's why you have done so well to lost 1lb a day (Id be more than happy for 1lb ever 2 to 4 weeks and I am massive....lol) buy eating much less than normal your body is not used to it....and tells you to eat eat eat......hence why your starving all the time.....

    Hope some of this helps......but finding what works for you best is the biggest challenge we all face as its different for everyone....

    Good luck and don't give up.....
  • Rebel_Leader
    Rebel_Leader Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Jessie. I'm not sure you need motivation, you're doing great. I think I should be getting some motivation and feedback from you!
  • FitSpongebob
    FitSpongebob Posts: 315 Member
    Add me if you want I'll motivate and give you advice.
  • bspringer544
    bspringer544 Posts: 155 Member
    And here I thought I was losing too fast at 6 pounds since the first. ;) Maybe up your calories a little and take it slower? You know you want this! Keep it up!