Looking for all the motivation I can get. This battle is not easy to fight it alone.

Want to find more friends. Need all the motivation I can get. Love to read the positive statuses and progress of others. It helps me tremendously to know I m not the only one that struggles with this battle. Started at 240 went down to 180 now I'm at 199 and would like to loose 20 lbs. Add me for the support


  • Parr007
    Parr007 Posts: 5 Member
    4 years ago I have a serious heart problem partly due to my weight. I had to shed 60 lbs. I thought I would try MFP to help me. The weight came off in the first year and I have kept it off.

    Today my MFP streak is 1460 days and for the last 3 years I remain below 170 lbs and my heart problem has corrected itself. In a few months I will be 74 and my best pal will continue to be MFP.

    My only regret is I wish I knew what I know now when I was 30 or 40. Your health is the greatest motivator of all.

    I wish you the very best in your effort to reward yourself.

  • tiffya
    tiffya Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2016
    It's hard to stay focused sometimes! Hang in there!
  • tiggerlove
    tiggerlove Posts: 225 Member
    stay postive..it's hard but you can do what ever u out your mind to