New Job and Weight Gain

Hello Pals,
I have been a member of MFP off and on for about 5 years. When i first joined i was weighing in around 130-132 lbs. I am 5ft.2in I worked at an office job and was able to walk to and from work most days as well as walk home for lunch. I had a consistent workout plan and i ran after work usually about 3-4 days a week around 3-4 miles. So this helped me maintain my weight.

Well all of that changed when I began my new job as a airline flight attendant just over 2 years ago. Suddenly i had NO routine, my sleep schedule was no longer even the same. Becoming a flight attendant was a total lifestyle change. In every way. Including working out, or lack thereof, and eating completely differently, at all crazy hours of the day. On all night flights i eat and munch on things to stay awake or just out of boredom while everyone sleeps. Some nights i am not finishing my day until 10pm or later, eating hotel room service, or airport food... not a lot of good choices. Not to mention going to new and exciting places and wanting to try new and delicious foods and lets not forget the beer! Wanting to do as much as possible in each place while on my layovers and most of the time that did not include working out. I would tell myself that i would workout on my off days while at home, but the problem there was when i was off, at home, i was exhausted. Catching up on sleep, and running errands, etc. Before i knew it i had gained 10lbs.... then 15lbs.... and then TWENTY-FIVE POUNDS!! That is a lot for my small frame.

I knew i had to make some major changes. I was miserable. Absolutely loving my new life, but not loving the new body. So about a year ago i got committed and starting making sure to pack my workout clothes, and pack my food as best as possible. I lost 10 lbs! Woohoo. I was so excited! I went on vacation and got off track for a week, came back and suddenly lost motivation.
So here I am again. Back on track and ready to stay on track. BUT IT'S HARD! So new friends, advice, tips, ideas, anything is helpful.

I am happy to be back!


  • Gerbsxyng412
    Gerbsxyng412 Posts: 86 Member
    Just keep meal prepping... eating better... more water.. less crap :) You go this girl
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited January 2016
    I get it. I gained about 18 pounds on my new job as well, from a combination of being sick for the a good portion of 2015 and eating more b/c of frustration. It does make a big difference on someone who's short. I'm 5'1. But I'm finally better and back in the right head space.

    Maybe try traveling with exercise bands as well. I'm sure you bring your laptop, so bring a few workout dvds as well. That way you can do some movement. Try to get your workout in first thing in the morning, that way when you get home from work or back to the hotel you won't have to worry about it.

    Good luck!