Excercise motivation

Hey everyone! My name is Katie and I am looking to lose a total of 60 pounds. I am down 10 pounds so far! I am looking for ways to get myself motivated. Previously when losing weight I always had a friend or sibling excercise with me. However, I've recently moved and have no one to help motivate me. Feel free to add me as a friend. My diary is open, because I think it's great to share diet food ideas!


  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi Katie! That's a great start! Congrats! I'm also a lone workouter. I find if I set mini goals/challenges it gives me something to look forward to. I usually set running goals, or weight lifting goals. I also love checklists, I write out my week of goals and what workouts I'm doing and once one is completed I check it off. Works like a charm! Plus, there are lots of challenge groups on here - join one and you'll have instant companions.

    Good luck!