Lost 20 lbs, now need 20 more

32 years old, emotional eater. Always yoyoed with my weight. I'm the Army and pretty active, just have to control my calorie intake. I'm 5'6" and female and got up to a whopping 196 which is huge on my frame. Down to 175 and honestly need to get down to around 157. Haven't weighed that much since I was 18, and have doubts as to my ability to succeed.


  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    Good luck
  • lniblack812
    lniblack812 Posts: 25 Member
    You can do it!! We're about the same in height/weight... I got up that high too (not preggo) & got all the way down to about 147lbs (gained about 20lbs+ back over the past 2 years). It's doable, it just takes dedication & motivation. I almost have to remotivate myself EVERY DAY. But I know I can get back down to that weight & keep it off this time! Slow & steady wins the race ;) You got this!!!