Muscle gain

I was 10st 5lb @ middle of september and managed to drop to 9st 2lb by xmas, i lost 4" around my waist, mainly on diet of 1300 calories and gym 6 days a week with 1 hour cardio a day plus weights. I couldnt shift the lower belly fat though. I went on a family holiday for xmas and new year (2 weeks) and have put back 12lb and 1.5" on my waist. My husband says i need muscle as i was just skinny before and muscle will burn calories more and has recommended i do 8 weeks on higher carb diet to build muscle doing hardly any cardio, just weights. Then lose fat for 8 weeks after (we are going away again in may).

He has recommended i eat
250g carbs
170g protein

Im now 10st and 5ft 4. 33.5"waist around 25% body fat.

Does this seem correct to anyone. I was on a low carb diet (between 60g and 80g) so 250g seems very high to me. Im a little worried ill put fat on eating that much even if it complex carbs. Calories will be around 2000 and would be doing an hour 6 days a week of heavy weights ( what i can lift anyway) with just 15 min cardio as warm up. I work in an office so sit for most of the day and iv never had any muscle although never been bigger than a size 14. I just want to tone every thing and be slim but with shape.

Any advice would be great xxx


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    With the exception of newbie gains, it's very difficult to gain muscle in a deficit. Look into a progressive lifting program. Macros will vary, based on your goals.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    To gain muscle you need to be in a calorie surplus. How many carbs you are eating has nothing to do with it, and frankly, it is protein that is used to build muscles, not carbs. If you want to put on muscle, eat at a small surplus and use a progressive (constantly increasing weight) lifting program that focuses on compound lifts (squats, bench press, rows, and the like). Do that for 8-12 weeks, then go back into a deficit continuing to lift to take the fat off. Repeat as many times as necessary.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Wrong about carbs (Keep below 100/day), right about pumping iron. Also cut way down on the cardio. More is NOT better. Cardio should only be 20 min, twice a week HIIT Sprint 8 program. Pump iron twice a week, 45 min max ea.