Very active

jrm704 Posts: 3 Member
What is the definition of very active vs active?


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    It's kind of what it says in settings

    Exclude your purposeful exercise and consider your life / work

    Sedentary: Spend most of the day sitting (e.g. bank teller, desk job)
    Lightly Active: Spend a good part of the day on your feet (e.g. teacher, salesman)
    Active: Spend a good part of the day doing some physical activity (e.g. waitress, mailman)
    Very Active: Spend most of the day doing heavy physical activity (e.g. bike messenger, carpenter)

  • jrm704
    jrm704 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you.