Skinny husband ...uugggghhhh!!!!



  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    my partner is the same way. he's quite tall and just naturally super thin. it's infuriating at times because he complains about the "fat" on his stomach which is just skin. whereas I have actual fat. like I actually look like I'm several months pregnant. I want to punch him whenever he complains about "getting fat." lol.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    My lovely husband can eat and eat and doesn't gain a lb. I eat a grape and blow up... So frustrating . . He is not the most supportive ,which makes it even harder :( I have been doing better now that the holidays are over but the temptation is always there . Just a quick vent! Sorry

    No, even if it feels this way. He is either much taller than you, or he is moving a lot more than you are. So he burns more calories. There are no special metabolisms. Unless he is seriously ill, which is not a good thing.
  • ruuca
    ruuca Posts: 1 Member
    Ahh so good to know I'm not alone! My husband is also very lean, only wears slim fit clothes and complains about his 6 pack definition! If only I had his problems...
  • hugrabug
    hugrabug Posts: 10 Member
    Yep, same here. My husband is 5'9" and hasn't ever been above 145lbs his entire life, whereas I haven't been 140lbs since high school! It's been a challenge for us to find a middle ground since he can eat whatever he wants and I'm trying to track my food/nutrition.