the MFP theme song

tbonethemighty Posts: 100 Member
To the tune of "To All the Kids", by the Vandals (for those of you who don't know the song: dude. Seriously? What are you doing with your life, exactly, that you have not made the acquaintance of the Vandals? *huge-shoulder-slumping-sigh* for your edification: <;) This song has the perfect rhythym to be hummed (or hey, sung loudly, depending on your predilection for frightening forest animals and weirding out others on the trail) while running, which is how I came up with it.

To all the kiiiiiiiiiids (the
cardio haters
the "buy smaller plate"-ers
chicks who lift heavy
and dudes who get sweaty
eating disorders
who sit on the cooooorner
Jillian Michaels
's Shredding disciples
whose posts involve kittehs
and fast-shrinking t*tties
marathon runners
"If it fits the macros"
and paleo wackos,**
song-title gaming
and anti-fat shaming)
God loves us all!

(**sorry, all you paleo advocates, I needed something that both rhymed and scanned; promise I don't think you're all a pack of wackjobs)

Other entrants in the MFP theme song contest are welcome...I have officially come out of lurking to post this, so clearly I am invested here...


  • tammys_changing
    Very Nice.. but you forget to mention the creepers! :laugh: Feeling left out. :laugh: