Eating with INSANITY's nutrition guide

I'm looking to start Insanity on Monday and have been reading their nutrition guide. According to their formula I should be eating 2070 calories a day (having deducted 500 a day, they basically use the TDEE formula -500).
I want the best results possible and these numbers seem quite high in comparison to the 1500 I'm eating now.
I'm not sure what to do, do I follow Insanity's guidelines or do I follow my own plan?


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Follow the Insanity plan. You burn a lot of calories doing the workouts, and you need to eat enough to keep your body fueled. I typically eat about 2200 a day based on their plan, and have seen serious results.
  • NicoleMGetsFit
    NicoleMGetsFit Posts: 66 Member
    I think I'm going to brave it and up my calories, I want to do this properly (and I like food!). I might invest in a heart rate monitor to see if I'm really eating right.
    Thank you for your help on my posts, after the last one I did a preliminary fit test yesterday before I start properly on Monday and I actually managed to do 6 of the push ups in the test. -No where near what they're doing, and no where near as low but a lot better than the original 0 that I thought I could do.
  • lucyprunner
    Up your calories lovely. Your body will need them and your results will be so much better :)
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I expect that you will be shocked at how many push ups you do on the next fit test in two weeks. Don't expect to keep up with them, they're fitness professionals (spinning instructors, marathoners, etc.). I've been doing this a month, and I'm still a long way from keeping up with them (but I'm getting closer every day). Good luck.