Is packing Hubby/kids lunch killing your diet?



  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    My kids are 6 and 7, they pack their own lunch or they have to eat whatever the school is serving. Packing their lunch is a nice gesture, but maybe they need to help.

    the man can make his own lunch. im not his mama. and even if i was.... the kids are 17 and 9 and yeah... they make their own lunch. and have for a very long time.

  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    My kids are 6 and 7, they pack their own lunch or they have to eat whatever the school is serving. Packing their lunch is a nice gesture, but maybe they need to help.

    the man can make his own lunch. im not his mama. and even if i was.... the kids are 17 and 9 and yeah... they make their own lunch. and have for a very long time.

    I guess I am just an "old fashion" wife, I figure my husband works hard to make the money to support us, while I stay at home and keep up house yard, farm etc duties. I feel like it is part of my "JOB" to take care of him, I get up in the middle of the night, to pack his lunch, then go back to bed, I make his plate for dinner, refill his glass, etc etc... Even when I did work outside the home I still did all that stuff. I know this isn't really "typical" of wives these days but It's just the way I was raised We have no children so that isn't an issue
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I pack my kids snacks, used to pack their lunches when they had lunch in school. It was always leftovers, and the same thing I would have for dinner, so never felt tempted to try any, lunch was/is always cooked meal leftovers and not something I would normally have for breakfast.
    I admit I have never packed my husband's lunch, I suspect his jaw would drop and would ask me why I am suddenly treating him like a child. Then he would unpack everything and do it his way.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I don't have this issue with packing lunch (I do it as soon as I get home for the following day), but why don't you just pop a mint or something when you're making it? A super strong altoid wouldn't be very good with pb and j!
    Also, if you freeze your bread and make a sandwich the night before on frozen bread - pb spreads so much easier - you may not have the dry sandwich problem and can stay snuggled in bed.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited January 2016
    If premixing the peanut butter and jelly or packing your husband's lunch infantilizes him, great. For others, it does not. Lots of varying marriage dynamics out there, folks. Just because it isn't yours doesn't make it ab-normal as long as everyone is happy with the arrangement.

    OT? Yes, OP, when you keep track of the mindless nibbles and tastes, it can be a number of boggling proportions the first time you realize it and could absolutely explain why someone isn't losing weight despite swearing in all directions s/he is weighing and tracking everything. I know when I first kept track of how much I eat in the process of cooking, it was enlightening to say the least. :) (that is to say, pretty sure there was long a string of expletives uttered)
  • starfish235
    starfish235 Posts: 129 Member
    I have heard chewing gum while fixing dinner or packing lunches helps thoughtless eating.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I pack my dh food every day. I don't really eat while packing.
    A lot of times he has dinner leftovers instead of sandwiches and I just pack that while I'm putting away the food after dinner. I'm full of dinner when I pack the food so not snacky. Fruit I pack is the whole fruit, not cut up fruit so I couldn't just take a bite. Packaged foods like granola bars or yogurt are also not something I can just take a nibble of.
    If there is enough spread for a sandwich or half sandwich I put it in the recrigerator for my lunch the next day instead of eating it right away.
    I probably nibbled more when dd was younger and didn't finish her food. Now I just put it in the trash or the refrigerator.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I have heard chewing gum while fixing dinner or packing lunches helps thoughtless eating.
    DRink coffee, diet soda or tea as you do it and whenever you are tempted take a sip

    I do either/both of these if I'm cooking dinner but really really hungry. Sometimes I'll grab a diet coke, or pop a piece of gum in my mouth so I don't start taking bites and licks before my serving is prepared.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    I too do not work or have kids, and my husband works to make our money.. so i do all of the cooking and cleaning (i mean really i gotta contribute) and for me i will make his stuff and prepare myself something at the same time so i have something to eat.
  • mpat81
    mpat81 Posts: 351 Member
    I have been maintaining for almost 3 months. I never changed my calorie goals in mfp, just resumed the mindless bites and occasional snacks. I was losing over a lb a week before so I guess I am eating approx. 3500 calories this way every week now!