Really want abs

I finally hit my target weight of 165 lbs. now I really don't want to lose anymore weight. On the other hand, I still want to build more muscle and I really really really want abs. I think this will be my goal for 2016, to finally, for the first time in my life, get abs. Lol.

Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions? Should I increase cardio/decrease cardio? Only do weight training now? Any help would be appreciated.

And please feel free to add me as a friend here or if you have a misfit band, add me there at rich007 :)


  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    Abs are the combination of low body fat and the actual size of the muscles. More body fate % than anything else I'd say.

    As an example Brad Pitt in Fight Club and Snatch was not very muscular but extremely low in body fat. He put on muscle for Troy but his body fat was still very low.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    If you are at a low enough body fat% and your'e not seeing's time to bulk and build muscle.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    I did zero cardio to get mine, just lifting. I just continued to cut until I literally woke up with them one morning (it was a good morning!) I was on point with my macros, and didn't have to "eat clean". It's basically all about body composition and how much body fat you have.
  • RichBurgos
    RichBurgos Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks guys. @errollm that's awesome. I hope one day I wake up with abs. Lmao.

    @arditarose or to anyone else. Do you know what the ideal body fat should be to see the abs?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    RichBurgos wrote: »
    Thanks guys. @errollm that's awesome. I hope one day I wake up with abs. Lmao.

    @arditarose or to anyone else. Do you know what the ideal body fat should be to see the abs?

    I don't know for dudes sorry. Errolim probably knows.

    Remember though, just because your body fat is low doesn't mean you'll have a 6 pack either. Depends what ya got going on under the fat.
  • darkchocthunda
    darkchocthunda Posts: 20 Member
    Which one is more important to you right now? From looking at your profile pic you're in the weird spot where you're not fat, but you don't have much muscle mass either. For you, getting abs to show would be a catabolic (losing fat) process. That would run opposite to building muscle (anabolic) process. You could try to get both at the same time, but it would be very slow.

    Your best bet would be to get one first. Then go for the other one. It sounds like you want abs more.

    If I were you I would do this:

    Exercise - Continue the cardio. I would still lift as well, as your body is at the beginner level and you'll still benefit from the awesome noob gains. Lift with heavy with short reps to retain what muscle you do have right now.
    Diet - Eat at a caloric deficit until you have a low body fat percentage. Protein should be at least 25-30 % of your daily macros. Break down the carbs and fats however you wish, you're at a caloric deficit anyway.

    Once you're body fat is low enough, about 10-12%, cut out the cardio and exclusively lift. Eat at a moderate surplus of 250-350 calories a day, but with as little fat as possible. Again, protein should be at least 25-30 % of your daily macros. This time, fats should be 20% max, preferable lower. That way you don't gain body fat just muscle.
  • RichBurgos
    RichBurgos Posts: 13 Member
    @ooa3603 thanks so much for that. I really appreciate it. That's the exact guidance I needed. I will work on this vigorously. :)
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    RichBurgos wrote: »
    Thanks guys. @errollm that's awesome. I hope one day I wake up with abs. Lmao.

    @arditarose or to anyone else. Do you know what the ideal body fat should be to see the abs?

    I don't know for dudes sorry. Errolim probably knows.

    Remember though, just because your body fat is low doesn't mean you'll have a 6 pack either. Depends what ya got going on under the fat.

    No idea, lol. I would've bet money you'd have known @arditarose

    I do agree with @arditarose going for a bulk to add muscle, so that when you cut there will be more abs to show, as well as more muscle all over, would probably put you in a better spot. However bulks can be mentally tough if you're not ready for it.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    errollm wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    RichBurgos wrote: »
    Thanks guys. @errollm that's awesome. I hope one day I wake up with abs. Lmao.

    @arditarose or to anyone else. Do you know what the ideal body fat should be to see the abs?

    I don't know for dudes sorry. Errolim probably knows.

    Remember though, just because your body fat is low doesn't mean you'll have a 6 pack either. Depends what ya got going on under the fat.

    No idea, lol. I would've bet money you'd have known @arditarose

    I do agree with @arditarose going for a bulk to add muscle, so that when you cut there will be more abs to show, as well as more muscle all over, would probably put you in a better spot. However bulks can be mentally tough if you're not ready for it.

    But looking at his profile pic again, I do believe he may be able to cut more.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I vote recomp for a few months.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited January 2016
    RichBurgos wrote: »
    Thanks guys. @errollm that's awesome. I hope one day I wake up with abs. Lmao.

    @arditarose or to anyone else. Do you know what the ideal body fat should be to see the abs?

    Depends on a) genetics and b) how much muscle mass you're carrying. Some guys will have visible abs around 15%, most will have to cut to around 10% (or lower) to get them popping - the main exceptions being the few genetically gifted ones who don't happen to carry the majority of their bodyfat right around the midsection/love handles, as most guys do.
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    edited January 2016
    I hear it's easier for guys so go lift some heavy stuff, grab a bar and do pull ups and plank like your life depends on it and you will definitely see abs, plus if you lift really heavy stuff often enough, you get to eat more too! Hurrah! It's been ridiculously hard for me to get abs but for the first time ever I can see them moving when I clench so work at it, the pay off feels great!!
  • Huge1993
    Huge1993 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I'm using MFP now to help me lower my body fat %. It's somewhere around ~13-14 at the moment. I have 'abs', but just the top part lol. I want to get rid of the lower belly fat that is still hiding my complete abs.

    I've started using MFP since 15 days now, and am planning to lose some weight via a calorie deficit. In the meantime, I do strength/core excercises 4x/week, and continue to do cardio.

    You can add me as a friend, and we can maybe share progress that way?

  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited January 2016
    errollm wrote: »
    I did zero cardio to get mine, just lifting. I just continued to cut until I literally woke up with them one morning (it was a good morning!) I was on point with my macros, and didn't have to "eat clean". It's basically all about body composition and how much body fat you have.

    That was my experience as well. I did run but mostly lifting and I don't do direct ab work since overhead work and front squats are essentially the same as doing planks, they are isometric work on the core.

    The saying is the abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. So OP if you want abs then you have to lose more body fat, you need to be somewhere around 10% to get a full six pack.