233 pounds to 155lbs... annnnd, start.

ayslinn28 Posts: 13 Member
Well. This is my first post on the forums. I've been a member on and off of MFP and other sites for, oh, years. I'm not sure what is different about this time- and honestly, that's something I'm going to need take time to reflect on- but like all things I do, here I am, jumping in head-first anyways.

233.6 lbs is what the scale said Wednesday, when I started this "healthy" thing. That's by far my heaviest weight ever, and much to my chagrin, when I logged back onto MFP for the first time in about a year, my previous current weight had been 210lbs. Yeah. Had to add poundage which felt great (not).

I need a change. I need to avoid the future that's waiting for me (diabetes and heart disease run in my family... as does obesity. Coincidence? I think not). I need to be slim enough to keep up with my VERY active small children. I need to teach them to take care of themselves by modeling self-care myself. I've got some pretty motivating factors pushing me to lose weight, but I'm also scared.

Scared of losing inspiration. Scared of failure. Scared of getting even BIGGER than I am now. I used to be terrified of being over 170lbs... then it was 190... then 200 seemed like an incredibly high number for me to weigh. Now, I would kill for any of those numbers. I feel like I have to stop this endless cycle of gaining, always gaining. I think it's time for me to take charge and lose this weight I've got hanging on me.

So, that's me. 20-something (closer to thirty than twenty, sadly). Mom of three. Nurse. Wife. Skinny person hiding inside an overweight body. We're going to try to change that.

I look forward to seeing you all around here, to sharing journeys, and to motivating each other. Just think what we'll all look like this time next year!


  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    i wish you the best. once you start on this journey, there is no going back. this a life time commitment. now it might be just to lose weight, later it will be to maintain. so look at this as a thing you will do for the rest of your life, take care of your body
  • jacklifts
    jacklifts Posts: 396 Member
    lose weight you will. fear do not. fear a path to the darkside it is.
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    You can do it! You do have to truly want it, and realize that it is not going to be fast and easy. It is also a change of lifestyle.

    I was very thin. Then, I piled on the weight. I ended up at 240.6. I hate to even post that number, as someone who was always 125 and fashion conscious.

    Now, I am at 151.2. It took a year and a half to get there. I think I will go for another 15-20 pound loss, depending upon how I look. Right now, I am looking pretty darned good, but not quite back in to all of my old clothes. It has been fun to shop in my own closet, though.

    I have not given up anything. I simply changed how I eat those things, I move more and I enter everything I eat here, on MFP. Today, I am on day 570 in a row.

    You can do it!!!!
  • smcrimmon84
    smcrimmon84 Posts: 135 Member
    Don't be scared - you can do it! Time will pass whether you are eating right and losing weight or whether you aren't.
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    It will take time but set small goals to meet to keep yourself motivated and don't be dependent on the scale to measure your success!
  • ayslinn28
    ayslinn28 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks you guys! Appreciate the encouragement. I'm taking this one day at a time. I believe I can do it but I also believe that the more support I can find via friends, online forums, etc, the more likely I am to succeed! I have no problem friending anyone so friend away.

    For now I am mostly on here for the forums and to link with my fitbit, as I believe I will be joining weight watchers at the end of this week and using their points system to hold myself accountable nutritionally.
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I could have written this post a little over a year ago. I had tried and failed so many times. Lost and regained so many times. Just keep going, don't give up no matter what. I've lost over 94lbs in just over a year and while I still have 10 or so to go, I consider myself a success (and a work in progress, of course).
    2 things that helped me, especially in the beginning...I did the jar thing. You know, where one jar is full of marbles (mine started with 104, one for every pound I wanted to lose) and the other jar is empty. Move a marble to the other jar every time you lose a pound. It's a great visual. The second thing was a motivation board. I got poster board and put old pics of myself at smaller sizes, a couple pictures of outfits I hoped to fit in one day, some motivational quotes, and pictures of my daughters. I have added to it a lot over the last year and it's been a great help when I'm feeling down or discouraged.
    Best of luck. You got this!!
  • NicholAshmore
    NicholAshmore Posts: 18 Member
    Wow! We are ALOT alike! I started one week ago at 238....goal of 155. I've cycled so many times...more than I care to count! I too used to think 170...then 190....then 200....were my top limits...my cut offs. But here I am in the 230's! I too am a mom...only two kids and I'm thirty something (closer to 40 than 30...sadly!)....and I'm a nurse as well! I don't want to do this anymore. I need to lose the weight for the last time! I want to do it slow and steady and focus on developing a way of life that I can truly "do" forever! No gimmicks...no points...no extremes...no food restrictions....just simple healthy eating, portion control, and reasonable exercise. Anyway...good luck!...we've got this!
  • JustBina38
    JustBina38 Posts: 4 Member
    Can't believe how your post and the last post could be me. I've dieted, walked and done Zumba (which I loved and miss..got cancelled) and tried myfitnesspal a couple times. But after starting work again sitting at a computer day after day...9 months later and 15 lbs fatter here I am again. I have to make this work this time!!!! I started 2 weeks, am a mom of two small kids, late thirties, and work part time plus the usual mom/wife 24/7 :) My start this time around was 231 and down to 225 so far, with a goal of 150 at least, but for now I would just love to get out of the 200's. I MUST lose weight for my own self esteem and health (would love to get off of BP medication if possible), not to mention have more energy for my kids. Now to just keep myself motivated and start working out more. Good Luck Ladies!!!!
  • ayslinn28
    ayslinn28 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow! We are ALOT alike! I started one week ago at 238....goal of 155. I've cycled so many times...more than I care to count! I too used to think 170...then 190....then 200....were my top limits...my cut offs. But here I am in the 230's! I too am a mom...only two kids and I'm thirty something (closer to 40 than 30...sadly!)....and I'm a nurse as well! I don't want to do this anymore. I need to lose the weight for the last time! I want to do it slow and steady and focus on developing a way of life that I can truly "do" forever! No gimmicks...no points...no extremes...no food restrictions....just simple healthy eating, portion control, and reasonable exercise. Anyway...good luck!...we've got this!

    Yay for nurses. I keep thinking the weight will come off because I'm on my feet moving for twelve hours at a time, but that only works if I'm not sneaking a snickers bar every hour or hitting the downstairs cafe as soon as I've got time! So, starting with fixing how I'm eating seems be the natural area to focus on for me.

    As an aside, what type of nursing do you do? I'm a critical care nurse but I'm a newbie so it doesn't really count yet, haha!

  • ayslinn28
    ayslinn28 Posts: 13 Member
    After reading through all the responses here two things are clear to me:

    One, many people are in my same shoes. I'm sorry to see you here but I'm glad to have company on the journey. I really hope we can all stay in touch along the way!

    Two, it clearly CAN be done because there are several people who have commented that they have! I am SO determined to become one of you amazing people who have shared your stories. Thank you for the motivation and inspiration. Knowing that you have done it and that therefore, so can I, is something I am sure I will use to power through times of weakness.
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    You can do it! I really wish you the best. My Fiancé and I got fitbits and play games on number of steps in a day (she typically wins) The big difference for me (30 pounds down) was making sure I added time for me. Cardio and strength training, (very little strength workouts but it helps). This is the first time I use mornings for workout, I get less distracted.
  • Bluefunk57
    Bluefunk57 Posts: 4 Member
    When I stopped dieting for cosmetic reasons and started taking serious interest in my health, it got a lot less like a roller coaster ride. You deserve to be healthy. Worrying about not losing or gaining more weight adds stress to your goal. I look at 2 lbs at a time. I can't get to 229 if I don't first get to 231. I know that may sound silly but the little picture always makes me feel like I can achieve without stress. Those are my baby steps. You CAN DO THIS.
    That is why you are here. I have faith in you.
  • slhall0822
    slhall0822 Posts: 128 Member
    Bluefunk57 wrote: »
    When I stopped dieting for cosmetic reasons and started taking serious interest in my health, it got a lot less like a roller coaster ride. You deserve to be healthy. Worrying about not losing or gaining more weight adds stress to your goal. I look at 2 lbs at a time. I can't get to 229 if I don't first get to 231. I know that may sound silly but the little picture always makes me feel like I can achieve without stress. Those are my baby steps. You CAN DO THIS.
    That is why you are here. I have faith in you.

    I really like your idea of mentally thinking about losing in 2 pound increments :) Thank you for sharing that!
  • Yvonnie16
    Yvonnie16 Posts: 67 Member
    pdxwine wrote: »
    You can do it! You do have to truly want it, and realize that it is not going to be fast and easy. It is also a change of lifestyle.

    I was very thin. Then, I piled on the weight. I ended up at 240.6. I hate to even post that number, as someone who was always 125 and fashion conscious.

    Now, I am at 151.2. It took a year and a half to get there. I think I will go for another 15-20 pound loss, depending upon how I look. Right now, I am looking pretty darned good, but not quite back in to all of my old clothes. It has been fun to shop in my own closet, though.

    I have not given up anything. I simply changed how I eat those things, I move more and I enter everything I eat here, on MFP. Today, I am on day 570 in a row.

    You can do it!!!!

    Pdxwine, you logged your entries in MFP for 570 days in a row? WOW! you are an inspiration.

    I have been on and off on the app as well as my weight. Goal is to make MFP as a part of my lifestyle. As natural as breathing...it will become one day. 570 days in a row is absolutely stunning. Congratulations. I am starting small to get to a 21 day streak.

    Best Wishes.
  • maggieeric1
    maggieeric1 Posts: 55 Member
    This is a really inspiring thread! good luck to everyone!

    Ways to stay inspired. Make it a journey. be a detective . read. Look for new perspectives & new things to try. When you find what works for you adopt it! Keep going. And going..and going

    For OP work has got to be a little stressful esp if you are new to the job. It's going to be fine. You got this!

    You didnt ask for tips or advice and I know you have a plan. So forgive me if this suggestion is overstepping. Pack snacks to bring with you to work. don't try to just not eat. Eating is good for you. You will find swaps that work to satisfy and give a break from work. Keep track of the snacks that make you want more in ten min, or every hour and snacks that keep you going for longer. Still go to the cafe for a break. No guilt. Just make a smart choice or swap for something satisfying. Track before you eat. Have a plan.

    Take Measurements (because the scale can suck sometimes).

    Look at macros not just calories. Find macro settings that make you feel satisfied so you aren't fighting cravings or hunger. Then stick with it. Each month re evaluate.

    For motivation
    I like bulletproof radio for interesting podcasts and different points of view on health.

    Instagram can be a great support system and source of inspiration/motivation. Even if you don't want to post you can follow inspirational people. And you can make it private so no one sees it if you don't want them to. I get great meal ideas from Instagram.

    Cheers be well! And good luck to all!
  • maggieeric1
    maggieeric1 Posts: 55 Member
    BTW i just heard about a new book that want to read
    "Always Hungry" by Dr David Ludwig.

    Anyone read it?
  • ayslinn28
    ayslinn28 Posts: 13 Member
    This is a really inspiring thread! good luck to everyone!

    Ways to stay inspired. Make it a journey. be a detective . read. Look for new perspectives & new things to try. When you find what works for you adopt it! Keep going. And going..and going

    For OP work has got to be a little stressful esp if you are new to the job. It's going to be fine. You got this!

    You didnt ask for tips or advice and I know you have a plan. So forgive me if this suggestion is overstepping. Pack snacks to bring with you to work. don't try to just not eat. Eating is good for you. You will find swaps that work to satisfy and give a break from work. Keep track of the snacks that make you want more in ten min, or every hour and snacks that keep you going for longer. Still go to the cafe for a break. No guilt. Just make a smart choice or swap for something satisfying. Track before you eat. Have a plan.

    Take Measurements (because the scale can suck sometimes).

    Look at macros not just calories. Find macro settings that make you feel satisfied so you aren't fighting cravings or hunger. Then stick with it. Each month re evaluate.

    For motivation
    I like bulletproof radio for interesting podcasts and different points of view on health.

    Instagram can be a great support system and source of inspiration/motivation. Even if you don't want to post you can follow inspirational people. And you can make it private so no one sees it if you don't want them to. I get great meal ideas from Instagram.

    Cheers be well! And good luck to all!

    Thank you for all the wonderful tips!!! They are very welcome... I will take all the tips I can get!

    What macros are you talking about? Little confused there. Like carbs fats and protein?

  • ayslinn28
    ayslinn28 Posts: 13 Member
    Just weighed myself...down 4.2lbs over the past week! I'll call that a good start! :)