No Squat No Lunges & Have Results?



  • OrdinaryDude300
    OrdinaryDude300 Posts: 51 Member
    Yours knees sound worse then mine. I only do goblet squats lunges , leg press but nothing heavy. Just started Deadlifts under so try under supervision if you can. Lots of women with gf included (not so much men) i see doing those hip trusts and standing up straight legged side and back swing kicks off the weighted pully machines (no idea the name) those girls all have solid looking butts. If its good for girls its good for guys and vise versa
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I'm not sure how barre is OK for those of us with chondromalacia or osteoarthritis in the knee- its a buttload (knee-load?) of squats in all sorts of permutations.

    I know wall sits are a good exersize for the quads that involves strength but not a lot of friction. Seem to help me balance out my quad muscles and get them working together.

    Hmm, was thinking of trying out the barre class at my gym - thanks for the tip. I'd have to leave work early to go to it, and that idea is less attractive now that I know it is likely hard on my knees.