Calorie dificiet?

Okay, so I've seen a lot of post about how you have to have a calorie dificiet to lose weight....
I don't get it though, does that mean eat less calories then what the app tell you or eat less calories then what you lose exercising? If it's eat less calories then what you lose exercising, how much is a person suppose to eat if they don't work out?
Sorry for the dumb question I'm just confused.


  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    If you enter all the start up info into your profile, how much you want to loose etc it will tell you how many calories to eat, it had the deficit factored in so it already worked it out for you :)
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,370 Member
    If you have set your profile to lose weight it will have returned a daily calorie allowance that is already set with a deficit so you don't need to manually adjust for a deficit.

    Don't have to exercise to lose weight if eating in a deficit, but exercise does improve fitness, health and general well being. If exercising a lot and/or to a high intensity it is advisable to eat some of the exercise calories back.

    MFP works on a net calorie basis. If you exercise and add to your daily diary it will add back those exercise calories. It is likely that the exercise calories will be overestimated.