Cross Fit

I just finished Insanity I thought it was great. My wife did not like me jumping around like a maniac and sweating (alot) all over the house. So I was looking into cross fit we have some gyms around town please give me your thoughts it looks tough and that is a good thing but it is expensive is it worth it?


  • mountaingirl1961
    mountaingirl1961 Posts: 75 Member
    Short answer - yes, definitely.

    A couple of things to keep in mind -

    1. All Crossfit boxes are not created equally. Find one that fits YOU - with a vibe that works for your personality and your intensity level.

    2. Corollary to #1 - find a box with trainers that understand how to do the lifting safely. A lot of them don't, and it can lead to injury. Form is everything. If you see people using sloppy form with nobody stopping them to correct them, RUN (don't walk) to a different box.

    3. You don't have to join a Crossfit gym to do Crossfit. Go to the Crossfit website ( where they'll post the WOD (workout of the day) each day, along with videos of how the WODS should be done. There's a link in the Beginner area to a Crossfit gym that does the official scaled workouts - very few people start out able to do the WODS as prescribed (Rx), and so they offer scaled versions that allow you to do something that will push you hard but is still within your capability. As you get fitter and learn how to do some of the more challenging moves, you can do tougher scaled workouts until you can eventually put that coveted Rx up on the board.

    Anyway - if you go to a regular gym and do a Crossfit WOD, chances are that you'll see someone else there doing Crossfit as well. The workouts are pretty recognizable. Crossfitters tend to be a friendly bunch when they're not in the middle of a WOD - don't be afraid to walk up to them when they're done and introduce yourself. Be sure they're done, though - you're very likely to get the stinkeye if you try and talk with them in the middle of a workout.

    FWIW, I'm in my first week of Insanity - taking a break from Crossfit to change it up. ;) I'll definitely go back to Crossfit when I'm done, but the different routine is a great break.