Married or single women advice



  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    How about talking to HER! Tell her how much you love her, how much you need her, and admit to her your concerns and heart felt worries...........tell her you want to do it together, you want to be a family forever..........and then together decide on an approach. Make small changes at first and then keep adjusting! Make t about health, love and longevity! Introduce her to mfp and make friends doing the same thing! Good honest communication works wonders sometimes.
  • _KrisMarie_
    _KrisMarie_ Posts: 146
    I agree with the family thing. Get all the junk out of the house; and I mean all of it - processed foods, sweets, everything that's bad for you. Say it's about the kids eating healthier foods. You can do it slowly, so as not to cause an uproar, but restock the kitchen with healthier options. Also, have her go to the doctor. You could say you'll both go together and get an annual physical. While you may not be able to point blank tell her that she's risking her life by the way she's living, a good doctor won't beat around the bush.

    Hope things get better!
  • scubar17
    scubar17 Posts: 43
    First off, thank you for being a nice husband and being concerned enough for your wife that you want to help her. Secondly, until she's ready to hear it and do something about her weight, she'll have every excuse in the book as to why she can't do anything about it. The truth is, until she's ready, she won't do anything to lose the weight.

    I suggest that you be the example for her. You need to start eating healthy and exercising and when she sees you having success, she just might start to follow you. Good luck.
  • Cannon_G
    Cannon_G Posts: 77 Member
    I was in a similar situation except I was the one avoiding my obvious health problems while my wife wanted us to lose weight. We both were obese and over the years she bugged me about needing for us to lose weight and get healthier. I always dismissed her healthy living suggestions and just ignored the obvious health issues. She finally decided that she was sick of being obese and was going to get surgery. I don't remember if it was gastric bypass or lap band but she made all the doctors appointments and was one test away from going thru with it. Before she did she said to herself I am going to have to exercise after the surgery why not try to give it one last chance and start to exercise now. She started walking and did the weight watchers program and started to drop weight. Then she started running using the Galloway run-walk-run method and the weight started coming off. She signed up to run a mother daughter 5k and the two of them rocked it out. I was blown away watching them finish and it really killed me to think how out of shape I was compared to them. My wife kept on losing weight and I saw that losing weight wasn't impossible. I always bought into the hype that it's impossible to lose weight but my wife was showing me it was not. So finally I realized I can change and one night I decided to fight to live. The next morning I was going to start the Galloway easy 5k app and start to eat healthy. I weighed 306 pounds and my goal was to drop 40 pounds in 5 months. I ended up losing 100 pounds in that time. The thing was that I had to reach that point where I wanted to fight to live. Unfortunately I think that is where your wife is at. Until she reaches that point there is not much you can do. I have several friends and family members who are morbidly obese and I have tried to help them and they are in the same boat. Until they come to it they aren't ready.