Is exercise an appetite suppressant?



  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    I really don't get HUNGRY very often, My problem seems to be when I am just relaxing watching TV and every commercial is about FOOD.. I start having stupid cravings for stuff I don't even really LIKE. that's when I know it is time to hid the DREAD-MILL or get up and DO SOMETHING.
  • stefabeth_
    stefabeth_ Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2016
    If I run or do other cardio (bike, elliptical), I am usually not hungry afterwards and the rest of the day is just normal. On days when I do strength/resistance training though, I am hungry literally every single hour of the day (like I'll eat, an hour later I'm hungry so I eat again, an hour later I'm hungry again so I eat some more, etc).
    I think there is some science behind the hunger after strength/resistance training and not after running (something to do with aerobic vs. anaerobic exercise and their different effects on metabolic rate? Don't quote me on this as I'm not 100% certain).
  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    makes sense and seems like most of the posters agree.. the cardio only folks all seem to be saying they don't get as hungry where the strength trainers are ravenous.

    I don't get hungry after ANY kind of physical work, but I think that must just be a personal thing. Something about being tired, hot and sweaty just kills any thought of food for me. Plus on the rare occasions that I do eat while my body temp is up, even if it isn't from a work-out (for instance if i have been in the hot tub) I feel nauseous for hours.