No shift in weight

Hi guys I posted on here before about my diet, was very low and in nearly a 50% deficit. I've worked out all of my macros for maintenance and reduced by 20-25% been 2 weeks now since starting the 50% and 8 days since hitting my macros at a 20-25% deficit. I'm not saying I want miracles but normally in the first week/2 is the big dramatic drop and I've not lost a Ilb. Any ideas? I am weight lifting too so have booked in for a body fat scan to get my percentage as that's what I'm looking to decrease, weight isn't an issue its the fat percentage


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Most likely the answer is that it's only been 2 weeks. Weight loss is measured in months and years, not days and weeks.

    That said, how accurately are you calculating your caloric intake? Are you weighing & measuring everything, or just guesstimating based on package labels?
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    I absolutely feel your pain. I lost 25 lbs back in the fall of 2014. Mostly through changing my diet, but I also took up running. I admittedly ate terrible over the holidays and managed to pick up 9 lbs. I figured no big deal, go back to eating clean and running. I also picked up a boot camp class 3 days a week. I figured I could lose 1.5 lbs a week pretty easily again.

    After 2 weeks of eating clean (1600 net calories or less every day, macros down the line), exercising 5 days a week I haven't lost a pound. In fact I gained another pound. And it wasn't a case of gaining muscle as my waist actually got a bit bigger.

    It's extremely discouraging to do everything by the book and not see any results.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    My first two weeks I gained weight. So that magical drop doesn't come to everyone.

    Honestly, as stated above, give it some more time. Make sure you're logging everything accurately, including using a food scale if need be, and it should start to drop.
  • losingitseattle
    losingitseattle Posts: 90 Member
    The body doesn't reset as quickly as we would like, especially if you are in a healthy weight range. Give it 6 weeks and keep logging and tracking. It's going to come off as it is ultimately about energy balance. Also increased exercise might cause increased water retention to repair those muscles. I read somewhere that Wednesdays are statistically the most likely day where you will hit your low. In between weekends perhaps?
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    My first two weeks I gained weight. So that magical drop doesn't come to everyone.

    Honestly, as stated above, give it some more time. Make sure you're logging everything accurately, including using a food scale if need be, and it should start to drop.

    You're right in that 2 weeks isn't a huge amount of time in the big picture. It took me 4 months to lose all the weight that I did. Looking back, there was lots of fits and starts. Sometimes you need that little bit of success to make it feel like it's moving in the right direction.

    Especially since I'm literally working MUCH harder at it from an exercise front than I did the first time. First time was mostly through a change in diet and starting a C25k program near the end. Now I'm burning way more energy working out, eating the same net calories (only eat back 50% of what I lose) and getting nothing out of it.