Flying solo after rapid weightloss diet

Hello everyone,

My name is Margot and I downloaded this app to help me get a grasp on my eating habits after completing the Straight Away rapid weight loss program. As promised, the program was relatively easy to stick to because the kilos flew off like it was nobody's business. But when I was done and the appointments with my coach stopped as well, I had trouble getting back to a healthy lifestyle. I had been warned about this of course, but like probably every woman deciding to do a diet like this, I was going to do things differently ;) I had missed food a lot and once I got a taste of the good stuff again, I was hooked. This program didn't really teach me anything and once all the compliments and excitement faded away, I realised I was still the same stress eating and instant gratification seeking person I was before. I decided to share this on here because I was wondering if there are any other people out there who have dealt with this or are still dealing with it now. How have you adjusted to your new body? What works for you? And most of all, do you need to talk about it? Add me as a friend and hopefully we can do something for each other.



  • whoffmanz
    whoffmanz Posts: 87 Member
    Glad you found this app and are starting toward a more sustainable journey. Some people would let an experience like yours demotivated them. You have a great outlook and I am sure you will continue to succeed.
  • jrussell44
    jrussell44 Posts: 4 Member
    Margot, it's hard for me, too. I've read so many diet and nutrition books and I really don't need to learn anymore about what I should eat or how often I should exercise. I just need to stay focused. I am a grazer. I'm used to grazing for one of a dozen different reasons. I graze around crowds. I graze when I'm stressed. I graze when I'm bored. I graze when I'm sad...its endless. So I guess for me I need to condition myself to graze on something non fat....popcorn? Grapes? Herbal tea? Any thoughts...
  • bodnars55
    bodnars55 Posts: 9 Member
    One of the most difficult things for me at first was making a lifestyle change out of my new eating habits and exercise routines. But after sticking to it for sometime even at the times that I didn't want to it became easier and more of a priority for me. With the attitude and outlook that you have, I have no doubt that you will continue to succeed.
  • Buckeyegirl1965
    Buckeyegirl1965 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm here if anyone needs me, I want my Sexy Back and I will do this!! Also, my health needs this, I just turned 50 and I have two grandbabies I want to see grow up and I will, good luck to all!! Not sure if this will post but, trying it out, not sure how to use this app completely, lolol
  • whoffmanz wrote: »
    Glad you found this app and are starting toward a more sustainable journey. Some people would let an experience like yours demotivated them. You have a great outlook and I am sure you will continue to succeed.

    Thank you Whoffmanz!
  • jrussell44 wrote: »
    Margot, it's hard for me, too. I've read so many diet and nutrition books and I really don't need to learn anymore about what I should eat or how often I should exercise. I just need to stay focused. I am a grazer. I'm used to grazing for one of a dozen different reasons. I graze around crowds. I graze when I'm stressed. I graze when I'm bored. I graze when I'm sad...its endless. So I guess for me I need to condition myself to graze on something non fat....popcorn? Grapes? Herbal tea? Any thoughts...

    Hey J, i know exactly what you mean, it's like smoking, we've conditioned ourselves to go for whatever food is available as soon as trouble rears its head. I've tried replacing my usual slew of fat and sugar with popcorn or grapes or carrots, but there is always a part of me that says that this is only treating a side effect and not the actual problem. But in the end, every little bit helps. Lately, I've been trying to just keep busy. When I get snacky, I do housework or go for a walk or something, that seems to help :)
  • Janehds0284
    Janehds0284 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi Margot, I'm not quite the same with your story but for me, I try to eat healthy when I can and snack sometimes if that's make me happy. Lately I decided to do 7days detox, I posted my question on here but seems no one thinks it's a good idea since I have coffee and dairy craving and many comments basically told me that I don't need one if I don't have liver problem.

    However my detox plan is not like eating nothing. I still drink lots of water, eat meat, veggies and fruits so at least it's a good start for me :)

    Wish you luck, eat healthy when you can and reward yourself with food you like I guess!
  • hancdon
    hancdon Posts: 20 Member
    I can sympathies with you, a few years ago I lost 100 lbs and that was my goal. I swore It was the last time I would go through it, never again. Well I became seditery again and fell back on all my bad habits and gradually put back on 94lbs. I heard somewhere that over eating is an addiction, and what makes it bad is that you have too eat to survive. Long story short I am back at it again knowing that it can happen again. I hope the knowledge that I have gained from the past will help me going foward. I hope you will join me and get back after it and give it try again making adjustments from what we learn along the way.