Weight loss fail

Not happy - mid 50's aussie putting on menopause weight doing oodles of exercise eating under my kj target - any ideas


  • ShelseyYC
    ShelseyYC Posts: 3 Member
    I am having the same issue. Being active and eating the maximum of my calorie target (usually under). Not eating anything that could be considered unhealthy at all. Pop on the scales and weight ON? How?
  • tojohn71
    tojohn71 Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2016
    Maybe not eating enough. Look at your protein/carb/fat ratios. Make sure you are getting enough protein. I struggle with that. I add a protein drink. Organic. I also drink green juices. ItWorks is my favorite.
  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 346 Member
    I'm in menopause; when I started in peri-menopause, my doctor said weight gain isn't inevitable, but that lower estrogen levels can make it more difficult to control weight. I had a couple of years heavier, but have lost & continue to maintain in my mid-to-lower BMI range. I tend to really limit simple carbohydrates, stay away from junk food & takeaways, pay close attention to portion sizes. I work out 5-7 times per week. Portion sizes are my Achilles heel...I can be a bit greedy! I lost doing Weight Watchers & switched over to MFP because it's great & free.

    I have increased my ratio of protein, sometimes I add some protein powder to my porridge. I do weigh & measure all my food. I do tend to retain water, so try to stay very hydrated, perhaps you are having the same issue? Do make sure you're eating enough.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    tojohn71 wrote: »
    Maybe not eating enough. Look at your protein/carb/fat ratios. Make sure you are getting enough protein. I struggle with that. I add a protein drink. Organic. I also drink green juices. ItWorks is my favorite.

    Nobody gains weight by not eating enough.

    @karenosman25 and @ShelseyYC, how are you determining your food intake?
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    my PT suggested to me that I (47 year old female) started cutting back/out my starchy carbs unless I had just exercised. The theory is (and yes, its a theory which may or may not work but I'm giving it 6 weeks!) is that if they arent used immediately to either provide or replace energy, your body stores starchy carbs (rice, cereal, pasta, bread, potatoes etc) as fat especially around your middle if you are female. He didn't advise cutting out carbs completely a la Atkins but now I only have porridge (with berries and a scoop of protein powder) for breakfast if I've worked out - other days I have eggs or greek yoghurt.

    I also seriously tracked everything that went into my mouth and yes, those little finger fulls of PB did add up, as did the biscuit pieces, and the occasional chip nicked off the kids etc etc etc. I was overeating by about 800 cals a day sometimes!

    Results tbc but maybe worth a try?
  • karenosman25
    karenosman25 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the positive comments unfortunately psychologically as well i think the 'magic of menopause' has an impact - let me know how u go in ur 6 wk target
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Thanks for the positive comments unfortunately psychologically as well i think the 'magic of menopause' has an impact - let me know how u go in ur 6 wk target

  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    Thanks for the positive comments unfortunately psychologically as well i think the 'magic of menopause' has an impact - let me know how u go in ur 6 wk target

    Are you weighing all your food using a food scale? Are you have cheat meals or days?