Newbie from Arizona - Diabetic - 66 & want to be healthy again....

66, Type II diabetes, stress and not motivated like I used to be. So I thought this would be a great place to start. Hope to find other Type II Diabetics that have reversed this disease naturally with nutrition and exercise. I did for a longtime, and it seem what I used to do isn't working, OR I'm missing something I used to do that helped me before. Looking forward to this new adventure that could help me to be healthy and be around for my two new Grandbabies for a long time to come. Here's hoping I get off my butt, and get some ideas to make this work for me again. Thanks to everyone who participates in encouraging and giving tips, ideas, recipes, encouragement and motivation to help turn lives around. It can be done. I believe in Miracles. PS. Why can't I get the little smiley face drop down to work?