Hi from UK, getting healthy and loosing weight with smoothies

Hi all,
Its a new year and time for a new me!!
YE YE i have said it a million times before... but this time i mean it!! :smile:

started healthy eating by adding green smoothies to my non existent breakfast (cant say i ate much fruit and veg before either) and quickly started feeling great... really!! much more energy, i have even grown to love and look forward to my morning smoothie!!
Then a friend talked me into Joining slimming world, i love the support, the weekly weigh in is a great intensive and the books are a great guide for healthy alternatives but they syn for smoothies so i don't keep a diary with them, its not pretty when you add all them syns up LOL, so i use this fab app to log my calorie intake.
Seems to work for me as i lost 6.5lbs in the first week

Would love to add friends on here to build up a support network on here as well as SW, so feel free to add me x


  • Nuttytart101
    Nuttytart101 Posts: 5 Member
    Oh my goodness that looked like an advert LOL
    Its not, its just me saying hello x