What are your excuses?



    CLWISE Posts: 2 Member
    My excuse is not having enough time. With six kids and a fulltime job.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Night eater, my fam was always evening snackers. Also I just like the taste of food and I can pack away a lot. I always wondered how people would say they forgot to eat, that has never happened to me lol.
  • jprewitt1
    jprewitt1 Posts: 264 Member
    CLWISE wrote: »
    My excuse is not having enough time. With six kids and a fulltime job.

    I don't know how you even have time to breath with 6 kids, let alone a full time job. I have two kids and work full time and sometimes I feel like my head is going to explode because there is so much to do. Good on you if you're able to stick to your diet!

  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    I like food! I like to cook and I like to bake, and then I like to eat! And boredom. Or just opportunity. It was there, and I walked by it. Might as well grab it! I used my first pregnancy as an excuse to eat everything, afterall I was eating for 2! I was much much smarter with the second one though, and gained very little. Time has been an excuse since I had kids. How is a busy SAHM supposed to find uninterrupted time for all that? Turns out, all you have to do is want it!
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    My excuse is I ate and drank more when I was stressed or bored. Once I understood that, Im dealing with it by giving myself a pep talk when the stress comes on and I have to deal with the issue rather than masking it with food and a big glass of red wine.
  • jessicaloves7
    jessicaloves7 Posts: 30 Member
    For me, I let an all or nothing outlook talk me out of even starting. When I look at all of the pounds and all of the work it would take all at once - it's often easier not to even start at all. I also like recalling all the times things "didn't" work... And I get the satisfaction of being right when something else fails. "See, this didn't work either." Even though every time it was wholly my fault.

    Both are a way to avoid responsibility for how everything in my life, and especially my health, is turning out.

    This time I'm making small changes. I'm being open and transparent. I'm playing the long game with achievable goals. And I'm holding myself accountable.

    We all get a secret benefit out of our excuses. If you can make the distinction about how your complaints benefit you - whether you get to be right about something, make someone else wrong, win in some way - it can change everything!
  • motterotter
    motterotter Posts: 701 Member
    Many excuses most of all getting older and having hypothyroidism undiagnosed for a while
    Outside of autoimmune issues
    1. Sedentary lifestyle dont want to get up and move after work come home make dinner wash up clean house i get exhausted easily and veg out in front of tv
    2. Working late and not having time to go to gym
    3. Eating out or at cafeteria instead of home cooked meal bigger portions on eating out too
    4. Making no time for myself
    5. Craving salty fatty foods
    6. Staying thirsty to avoid having to get up and pee too often - mistaking hunger for thirst
    7. No set plan for eating during the day
    8. Available junk food
    9. Don't really buy into beauty ideal of stick thin means beautiful or size 2 is ideal size
    10. Don't really buy into thinking that skinny is healthy and that is that

  • jprewitt1
    jprewitt1 Posts: 264 Member
    4. Making no time for myself

    10. Don't really buy into thinking that skinny is healthy and that is that

    I definitely still struggle with number 4. It's hard for me to wrap my head around the idea of "self care." I was always of the mindset that as a husband and father my family has to come first. At the end of the day they still do, but if I'm not making myself happy/healthy then I'm not being the best I can be for my family anyway. Finding time to do things I enjoy and things that will make me healthy is a delicate balancing act. A balancing act that I am still having trouble with.

    Number 10 is something I also have a hard time with. I know what the media says is "healthy" and I know what my doctor says is healthy. Right now I'm sitting at 360 lbs. At my heaviest I was 470 and I was miserable. Looking back on those pictures it's a wonder my wife even stayed with me. However, I now have a goal in mind and I know that even when I reach my goal weight (250) I still won't be "skinny." I'm 6'7" and I'm not going to look like Channing Tatum or any of those other celebrities and that's okay. I know I'll be healthier and I'll be happier with my life. And that's all that matters.
  • cndkendrick
    cndkendrick Posts: 138 Member
    Depression, "the struggle is real". Moved away from the family (for work and school), once the 3 years were up, 100bs were on.