Avoiding Mental Pitfalls

Top reasons for falling off the wagon

1. Too much too soon:

Burnout is the #1 cause of weight loss failure. Burnout is the result of high motivation coupled with too high expectations. High motivation is positive, unrealistic expectations always end in frustration and disappointment. One word is always associated with Burnout syndrome: QUICK. Resolve in your mind that weight loss is SLOW. Consistency and Duration beats Will Power and Speed.

2. All or Nothing: You ate perfectly for 5 days only to blow it all on the weekend, now.....your life is over. Say goodbye to your ambitions! False: weight loss is a learning process. Self sabotage is PART of that process. Self sabotage early on can be doubly disappointing. How do you get past the times you make mistakes? Realize that EVERYONE goes through this at one time or another. Adjust your attitude to accept imperfection and use that as motivation to endure this difficult trial.

3. Ride the High: Motivation is like a hot air balloon, every day gives you an opportunity to blow into that balloon. Go on a streak and ride the High from day to day. There will be times your hot air balloon is burning hot and other days you swear you popped it with a needle. This is a cyclical process that everyone goes through, after a while filling your hot air balloon will become second nature and your failures....if you learn from them, will become fewer and fewer!

What are some of YOUR mental Pitfalls?


  • Yvonnie16
    Yvonnie16 Posts: 67 Member
    4. Procrastination : I will eat no, just for today. I will couch potato now, just for today. I will start healthy diet and exercise from tomorrow.

    And so the tomorrow is always a tomorrow.

    Why not, I will not eat this thing NOW. I will go for a walk NOW. Deal with tomorrow, when it comes.
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    I try to be too much of a people pleaser, putting myself on the backburner. A friend of mine is brutal almost to the point of being rude about getting his workouts in, eating at healthy places. I find I need to say no, this is my pitfall. I go to dinner with the girlfriend when I really want to work out. The good news I am getting tougher. And the pounds are coming off.
  • Yvonnie16
    Yvonnie16 Posts: 67 Member
    I need to get tough on myself. Hope it is okay, to add you both.
  • JarrodStowe
    JarrodStowe Posts: 20 Member
    I've found its helpful to eat prior to eating out, especially lean protein of some sort. Chicken breast, lean beef, beans, and alot of water are counter weapons to social events, family dinners, and eating out. You can't always control who you eat out with, when or where, but if you always have a lean protein at home ready to go you can gorge on 7+oz prior to eating out. You'll naturally feel full and its near impossible to blow your goals, plus lean proteins are near impossible to overeat and they always make you feel satiated!