Would like a few good friends to add to my list!

Hey there!

My name is Diane. I'm about to turn 31 and I have about 50-60 lbs I'd like to lose (for good!). I am looking for a couple friends with similar goals/interests along the way.

I work a desk job, sedentary is a great way to describe my life. 9+ hours a day at my desk, and 3 hours a day sitting in the car to drive there and back.... I don't have much time in my life for 'me'.

I love horses, I take weekly riding lessons and have leased horses off and on when time and finances come together for me. I also do barn chores at the barn I ride at three week nights per week. (Again, I don't have much time in my life for 'me'. Barn time is a nice escape form the office life...)

I'm taking things slowly this time around; I've tried this so many times in the past.... I always lose half or more of my goal, back slide and wind up where I started. I am tired of that habit. As my life is so busy, I am focusing on my eating habits first and foremost. Cutting out junk and 'late night snacks'.... Exercise/work out habits I will add in as the days get longer and I have more daylight to work with. Until then, barn chores will have to suffice.

Any way... I realize this is getting long and will only get longer if I keep rambling... So, if you'd like a friend for the journey, send me a request with a little note please. This time around I am looking to keep a small list of friends I can be closer with instead of a large list of many people I won't get to know. :)


  • happy4252010
    happy4252010 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Diane, though I am quite a bit older than you, I feel your work dilemma....fortunately though my drive to and from work isn't near that bad.
    If I can do anything to help or just be a friend when you need me, feel free to add me to your list.
    Have a wonderful Tuesday and stay focused!
  • Wizeman22
    Wizeman22 Posts: 552 Member
    Add me