One Day At A Time

Every day I fail. Every day I start and fail again. 10 years in a row. I still can't give up but I am not doing anything right. I work from home. My motivation levels are horrendous. Let myself go. Let my lifestyle go. Always moving to different city. No stability and stress eating. Only stable thing is an upward trend in weight. One day at a time is taking toll. I want to do 21 day streak. 1200 calories intake and 500 caloriea exercise everyday starting today 1/19/2016 to 2/8/2016. It will be 21 days at a time. For the rest of my life. 159.5 pounds to 120 pounds. And stay there.

Friends are welcome.

All the best to me and everyone here.


  • Yvonnie16
    Yvonnie16 Posts: 67 Member
    Yuck. This was a morose post. It was not too bad. I was at 132 pounds for a long time. And was losing it. Did it on my own. Was proud of myself. So I have it in me. With or without support, I am doing this. Cheers :)
  • erin_tanner22
    erin_tanner22 Posts: 3 Member
    I do the same, failure everyday. I give into, candy and chips at a moments notice. I give into 30 more minutes of sleep rather than getting up and exercise. I weighed myself this weekend, 162.2.

    I want to be healthy. In the last year my blood pressure has creeped up with my weight. I need to break my habits, one second at a time today and work up to new healthy habits.

    This a.m. I got up, and exercised! I drank my coffee black. Thank for the reminder, One Day at a Time. Today I will do One Second at a Time. I will until I can do a minute, hour, to a day at a time.

    I am joining you, Yvonne16 today until the end of your challenge. We can do this!
  • Yvonnie16
    Yvonnie16 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Erin! :) Let us do this.
  • angelamichelle_xo
    angelamichelle_xo Posts: 646 Member
    why wait until the next day??? hell i say one meal at a time!
    if you messed up your breakfast, just eat a good lunch.
    that'll motivate you to eat a healthier dinner instead of just saying screw it, i had a bad breakfast so let's just waste the whole day.
  • Yvonnie16
    Yvonnie16 Posts: 67 Member
    Angela, that is exactly my mental pitfall. I am usually very good with breakfast. And I screw up lunch and dinner. So, I will start getting good with lunch. And then I realized if I am not home in the evenings I don't screw dinner. Whether I work out or not, I will just get out of the house in the evenings. Thanks for the tough love. Cheers :)
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    why wait until the next day??? hell i say one meal at a time!
    if you messed up your breakfast, just eat a good lunch.
    that'll motivate you to eat a healthier dinner instead of just saying screw it, i had a bad breakfast so let's just waste the whole day.

    That ^^^^ is awesome advice. Take you victories one at a time. the best thing I did was remove the garbage from my house, if it isn't there I rarely go through a drive through or pick up a candy bar. 3 weeks of repetition is a habit. pick smaller goals and get a friend to help motivate! Good luck

  • Yvonnie16
    Yvonnie16 Posts: 67 Member
    Small goal: Trash the pizza and brownies. NOW.

    Trashing achieved. I just saved myself from 3000 calories = 1 pound.