Carb Nite Solution?


This is my first post on MyFitnessPal Message Boards. I have been using my MFP for over three years but didn't start having real success until this past year.

I have been big on trying lots of different techniques in trying to lose body fat. My journey started with the zone diet back in 2000 and then south beach in 2004 then on to the Hacker's diet and then my combination of diets/no diets - which led me to burn the fat feed the muscle - which led me to enew leaf - which lead me to carb backloading - which lead me to the carb nite solution.

Since 2000 I went from 150lbs to 288lbs. :0) With all the diet knowledge in the world you'd think I would have been able to figure this stuff out.

I am happy say that from my experimentation and record keeping that the Carb Nite Solution is so far (in my opinion at least) the most effective and easy to maintain diet I have utilized. I am sure there are a 100 different ways to lose weight and fat - much like there are many ways to solve a math problem.

So what am I doing now that is giving me such great results? (15lbs in 20 days - 286.4 to 271.2 - June 10th, 2013 to June 29th, 2013) I am doing the Carb Nite Solution. The book is a pretty good read - it is all about learning how to use your hormones to your advantage. It is similar to the low carb high fat diet - but there is an important caveat - the carb nite.

I can't take any credit for the ideas in the book - Kiefer does a great job explaining the concepts - but when i finished the book i felt like how to actually do the diet was really unclear and vague. He teaches general ideas but doesn't give much specific advice on how to execute.

So I have been experimenting. I love excel and am a huge stats dork so I built a really detailed tracker that is helping me track my daily weight, body fat %, water % and muscle % - I measure with my tanita body composition scale - it is not super accurate but it gives me a general idea of where I am trending.

I weigh in each morning and put in my weight, body fat and water percentage. My spreadsheet will then pop out how many grams of protein, fat and useable carbs I should consume for that day.

The spreadsheet also helps me determine if that day is a very low carb day or carb nite.

My typical very low carb day based on my weight and fat % I eat around 186 grams of protein, 186 grams of fat, and 30 grams of useable carbs (total carbs minus dietary fiber carbs = useable carbs).

My typical carb nite day again based on my weight and fat % is 186 grams of protein, 86 grams of fat, and 370 grams of useable carbs.

I love MyFitnessPal because it make it SOOO easy to track all of my food grams. I use the iphone app and the data is super convenient.

Did I mention that I haven't done 1 minute of Cardio or weight lifting in the past 20 days? Yeah the other biggest benefit of the carb nite solution is that you don't have to exercise to get results. In fact exercise is kind of not recommended. I know it blew my mind a bit too after all the diets I had previously been on.

Oh and did I mention that I have had cheesecake, Texas roadhouse rolls, hamburgers, fries, braums ice cream cones and papa johns pizza since being on the diet? Yeah - carb nite is a lot of fun.

My very low carb days are fun to!

This is my typical very low carb day - remember this is based on my weight and body fat % - so don't copy exactly or you may get huge. :0)

I wake up around 6:30 or 7. I don't eat anything for two hours after being awake.

After 9am I make a protein shake:
1 tbsp MCT oil (Medium Chain triglycerides - basically saturated fat)
2 tbps powdered peanut butter (Bell Plantation - PB2)
2 scoops ISO-100 chocolate protein powder
1 cup silk almond milk unsweetened

and then I drink 1 dpa jarrow formula fish oil tablet with water

Protein shake at 12pm:
1 tbsp MCT oil
2 tbps powdered peanut butter (pb2)
2 scoops ISO-100 chocolate protein powder
1 cup silk almond milk unsweetened

and then I drink 1 dpa jarrow formula fish oil tablet with water

After 6pm:
6oz of jimmy deans sage sausage
4oz of Kraft Philadelphia cream cheese
3 haas avocados

and then I drink 1 dpa jarrow formula fish oil tablet with water

I drink 8 cups water per day

I repeat that meal on each very low carb day :0)

Then on my carb nite days:

I wake up around 6:30 or 7 - don't eat until after 9am

Then I will have the same protein shake without the MCT oil

Lunch time another protein shake without MCT oil

Then around 2pm the fun begins.

I have a banana
A 12 oz gatorade
some sugary candy

then pizza or hamburgers or fries or mexican or whatever i really feel like for dinner

and then I finish it off with icecream and a brownie or cheese cake.

It is great!

Anyhow I will keep you posted on how it goes!


  • anniejosey
    anniejosey Posts: 3 Member
    How did you determine your macros? I am on the diet too and I find it difficult to determine how many carbs to eat on carb nite and also wonder if I am eating too many calories or fat on the low carb days.
  • one thing that I have gathered through the internet (the book doesnt mention it, as far as I can see) is that women have to be more careful and try not to eat fat during their carb night. Which to me makes it a bit harder especially if you fancy pizza, fries, cake, ice cream etc. I have been trying to see what you can eat without poisoning yourself in the process. chocolate is also high fat of course :(
  • RachelJudt
    RachelJudt Posts: 5 Member
    one thing that I have gathered through the internet (the book doesnt mention it, as far as I can see) is that women have to be more careful and try not to eat fat during their carb night. Which to me makes it a bit harder especially if you fancy pizza, fries, cake, ice cream etc. I have been trying to see what you can eat without poisoning yourself in the process. chocolate is also high fat of course :(

    This has been changed in some of the more recent info (podcasts, etc.). Didn't know if you had heard that. The thought being that you already have so much fat in your system that keeping low fat on CN is sort of pointless. I don't watch my fats. Didn't know if you were still doing CN or not, but I thought I'd just throw that out there. :)