Struggling :(

No idea if this is where I should post this, sorry!
Really struggling default response to stress/bad days is eating/bingeing and I'm trying hard to get out of this mindset, but finding it very hard. I think it's a bit of self-sabotage too...whenever I start to lose a bit of weight, it's as if I can't keep going and end up bingeing.
Urgh, wish this was easier!


  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    If it was easier it would be worth less in the end. When you get where you want to be and can look back and know you made it through the struggles that is something to hold onto. Distract yourself. My dad's answer to stress was always "take a walk you will feel better" Which pissed me right off in high school, but now I know it is true, it can get you out of your own head.
  • anisia85
    anisia85 Posts: 15 Member
    Agreed with the distraction idea, and thankfully I'm working on getting in this habit - not sure why tonight unlike other night is just more difficult.
  • spingirl605
    spingirl605 Posts: 181 Member
    We will always have those difficult times. I've lost and regained so many times in my life. I used to say "do I want to be skinny, or do I want to be happy". And the "happy" part always trumped the skinny part. So I would eat what I wanted to feel happy. And at the time it worked. Then one day I woke up and said "I am no longer happy, I am quite sad". At that point, I actually met an angel on MFP and he helped me "become happy" by believing in myself. Then suddenly happy took on a new meaning. I am now happy being skinnier, and eating badly makes me feel sad. So everyday when I look at food, I ask myself...Will this make me happy, or will it make me sad. The good stuff always makes me happy. You just have to decide what makes you happy!!!