Have you given up alcohol to lose weight?



  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    I cut back on my drinking purely because I wanted to meet my allowance. When I could fit alcohol in I would. However, I am recovering from depression and discovered that drinking alcohol, even as little as 1-2 glasses of wine could affect my mood severely over the next 1-2 days. Eventually I realised that it just wasn't worth having a drink if it was going to make me miserable.
    I've switched to non-alcoholic beer, and now drink Beck's Blue (which is also lower cal than a regular pint) but I don't miss wine.
  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    Nope haven't given up alcohol!! I do however, try to limit my intake. I have a love for margaritas..very high in calories. Thank goodness I found a solution.'Margaritas to Go' its a flavored drink packet 5 calories only..mix with tequila 79 calories and some water.. Margarita under 100 calories!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    There are many reasons why people choose to cut down or stop drinking temporarily or longer, not just for weight loss, although that can be an extra perk.

    Here is a web site that you can use to track the units you drink and the trends of your drinking, the calories and the money you spend. Also articles and tips about drinking and for talking to your kids as well. https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/

    I think it depends on the person, but usually if a person has reasons to choose to stop or cut down and they feel the benefits of that, they don't miss it.
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    I quit drinking entirely for about a year, and that's when I lost 60 pounds. Of course, it must also be take into account that I sold my car and started walking everywhere at about the same time. When I bought another car to accommodate a 40-mile commute, the weight started to creep back. And when I taught my darling hubby to homebrew, it really hit the fan :drinker: I've put on 45 of the 60 lbs I lost and am starting over.

    I haven't fully developed a strategy yet. I like my whiskey neat, which saves on calories and unnerves the boys :smokin: Other than that, I will develop a plan as I go. Progress, not perfection, as they say in AA.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    I used to drink most of a six pack everyday. Once I started my lifestyle change I tried a few shots of vodka once per week. I stopped even that because even though it was only 120-180 calories it wasn't enough to feel worth it.

    More importantly I learned that while my body was metabolizing the alcohol, I was not burning any fat whatsoever. Even worse I was drinking the shots with my dinner. Felt counterproductive. I want to reach my goal.

    I will resume drinking soon. Just not while I eat. I will also be more aware of the calories in what I drink.

    TL;DR Stopped to reach my goal. Can't wait to fall off the wagon.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    No I haven't given up alcohol - but I have found because I'm counting the calories, I limit my drinks more - and I measure what I have (sometimes).

    I never found that drinking alcohol particularly made me need to snack though, so lucky that way.

    But I do feel like a kid let out of school when I earn myself extra calories from exercise, and realise I can have a couple of glasses of wine :drinker:
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    I have always lifted weights but have gotten away from my walks. While walking this afternoon with my husband on our route I did the math. If the only changes I made in my life were to stop drinking and walk our route every day I could lose two pounds a week. (This isn't taking into account the junk I eat while drinking). Once my kids got big I felt it was my right to enjoy my beers in the late afternoon/evening. And while I rarely feel buzzed as the beers I take place over 6 hours time period I was/am putting away about 5 a day. That is 3500 calories per week. My heart rate monitor says my walk burns just over 600 per walk. If I did that 6 days a week instead of having my beers I would have a deficit of 7000per week!!!!! 2 pounds! Crazy. Scary to realize how much I was drinking too.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I know I should give up beers. But, I have to be honest love the buzz I get after 2 or 3. I have limited to 2-3 beers 2xweekly.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    I know I should give up beers. But, I have to be honest love the buzz I get after 2 or 3. I have limited to 2-3 beers 2xweekly.

    I drink so much more then that, would love to be happy with that amount!
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    I haven't eliminated it completely but I don't drink much of it at all. I probably average about a drink a week. At the end of the day, I like sweets more than alcohol, so that's where my "junk" calories go :)
  • OhLeita
    OhLeita Posts: 99 Member
    I gave up alcohol for health reasons. The weight loss was a bonus that encouraged me to keep going. I don't miss it anymore, but did at first. Rather than the buzz, what I missed most was the 'idea' of drinking, just like in the commercials where everyone is happy and relaxed. Funny, they never show those people the next morning. :sick:
  • mtfr810
    mtfr810 Posts: 136 Member
    No! But I keep the calories in check and counted for. No good cardio burn then no alcohol. I wouldn't sit around table playing cards though... that could cause too much drinking. I had some extra alcohol last night so I made up for it by doing way more cardio today. As long as the week works out to an appropriate negative deficit I'm happy.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Beer is super caloric; when I started counting calories I started preferring whiskey.
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    Some people do in fact give up things instead of occasionally having a smaller, reasonable amount that fits into their caloric intake but I feel this is a mistake since it will then most likely become the very first thing you crave. It will be on your mind haunting you until you indulge so a less dogmatic approach where you can have some of whatever you want so long as it conforms to your overall plan, is in my humble opinion, superior for the long term.
  • garciabnm
    garciabnm Posts: 138
    I gave up drinking right aroung Christmas time. I was never a heavy drinker, but when i did, i would really go for it. Kinda like i was (am) with eating. Most people know when to stop, i tend to say what the hell. So i figured i've worked so hard at changing myself, dont want to waste my efforts on alcohol. Now when i go to the sprts bar with bus, i tend to stay off the brewand settle for unsweeted tea. Some times its just best to stay away from the things i tend to not be able to push away, wheather its alcohol,pizza or those sweats i cant say no to. I understand that its all about calories in calories out, but why take a chance.My opinion anyway, what works for me, really does not apply to anyone else.
  • FarAway02
    FarAway02 Posts: 211
    I've just lessened my intake.

    I started by 100% cutting it out for 2 weeks to curb it....I'd gotten into drinking out of habit. And then I reintroduced it as and when I fancied it really...as a general rule I tend not to have any during the week and will have it once at the weekend (but sometimes my 'once' is 4 or 5 glasses... hah).

    No doubt drinking less would speed up my weightloss....but I LIKE wine and I want this journey to be enjoyable and sustainable. I'm not looking to enter any body perfection competitions...I just want to be healthier and fitter (and to drink some wine!).
  • PilotX
    PilotX Posts: 233 Member
    I do a ton of cardio minimum 4x a week so I can still drink nothing like a nice cold beer in summer
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Nope, I lift heavy.

    Pints. :)
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    I gave up "regular" alcohol because it weakened my resolve.
    Another thing I was told is that because alcohol is, per se a poison, the liver will get rid of it first and leave the other calories sitting on your hips - not sure if this is true, but its a motivating thought.
    I drink a couple of drinks socially, but not beer, not sweet things, just a good plain malt whisky with a chunk of ice, which is SO strong that I have to sip it.
    Works for me.
  • HoneySunrise
    HoneySunrise Posts: 29 Member
    I struggle with this every weekend. I'm dry during the week, but when my weekends come it's party time. I usually have 3,000+ calories on the weekends (due to drinks) and I know it's slowing my progress. And like everyone else is saying, a few beers turns into a food binge as well. But I just can't give up my beer!

    I know that if I cut back dramatically the weight would fall off much faster. A girlfriend of mine recently quit drinking and she's dropped almost 30 lbs just from that. It's amazing. I try to work out more to be able to fit in extra calories but I'm rarely under my calorie goal when alcohol is involved.