How to proceed?

I started running 2.5 months ago (5 days a week in the morning, 4-5 miles/day) and eating at a caloric deficit. I was averaging a 2lb/week loss. Towards the end, for 3 weeks, I wasn't losing anything. I would run distance, hills, jog/sprints - so it wasn't the same daily routine. I started doing some lifting at night (on top of the running) and it started to come off again. I understand I need to incorporate lifting into my weekly routine. Here's where I need help - I've come to enjoy running at 5 am to help kick start my day before work. Lifting has been happening after work. What type of lifting routine/schedule should i be looking at? I have a dumbbell set at home, body weight? How often?
Thanks in advance


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I would look for a full body routine that you can do 2-3 times per week. It is possible to over-do it on exercise doing two a days (which is what running in the morning and lifting in the evening is). Body weight work would be adequate to help retain muscle. There are multiple body weight programs like You Are Your Own Gym or Convict Conditioning. Ensure you are fueling your body enough for the workouts.
  • jared515
    jared515 Posts: 6 Member
    Are you thinking that using weights would be too much?