Gluten Free Athletes

Maybe not so useful....

Then the researchers compared how each rider had performed and, more generally, how they felt when either ingesting or avoiding gluten.

The results, strikingly, showed no significant differences. Cycling performance had proven to be essentially identical after a week in which a rider ate zero gluten or large amounts of gluten. Inflammatory markers likewise were indistinguishable.

For their part, the riders’ daily reports about the states of their digestive tracts and moods likewise showed little variation whether a rider was eating gluten or not.

Over all, Ms. Lis said, “we did not find a beneficial or negative effect of a gluten-free diet for athletes who had no clinical necessity for the diet.”

Of course, this study was small and short-term, with athletes following each diet for only a week. Whether avoiding gluten for a longer period of time would lead to verifiable improvements in performance or well-being remains unknown, Ms. Lis said.

Full article here:

Research paper here: