Low Carb



  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Eat bread because you like it. Reduce calories from somewhere else.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    there are loads of nutritious carbs, many of which are recommended on numerous diets designed to prevent and correct diseases and conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, etc...

    carbs are only the most recent dietary boogey man and this to shall pass...

    eat low carb if you like, but it's not some kind of magic bullet...most people could stand to adjust and moderate their intake of carbohydrates and certainly make better choices overall, but going low carb is hardly necessary to lose weight.

    Every macro has been the devil and the magic macro at one time except alcohol, that's always magic! ;)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    jcturbo wrote: »
    Carbs are not bad. Especially if your doing any type of weight training.

    But I would try to replace the bread with healthier carbs such as rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa, fruits,

    This! I simply could not live without carbs lol. I do lift, abhor the cardio. I'd rather lift an extra hour than run, or eliptical or stairmaster. My trainer probably hates me. I measure everything. I eat carbs, I love toast even plain with coffee. I love spagthetti and zuchinni or spagethhi squash noodles dont cut it. I think if you start to eliminate the garbage and account for everything that goes in, you will see a difference. I lost 6 pounds in 18 days just from measuring food, increasing my water intake and next to no exercise because of injury. I know that if I want to eat something specific for dinner like its my kids birthday or something I make it fit my macros. My trainer has me on 140g carbs 140 protein and 45 fat. so I adjust daily. Good luck.
    Many would consider that to be around the upper limit of a low carb diet. Lw carb is generally considered to be 100-150g of carbs ( the upper number is more often for those with a higher caloric goal such as men who lift) with very low carb considered to be under 50g (to below 20g) per day.