Is alcohol ok if it fits into my calorie count?

I'm working really hard to lose about 20lbs, and have lost about 3 in the last 3 weeks. I've been cutting out alcohol some nights - most nights - but allow myself a drink or two on the weekends if it fits into my calorie count.

What's the consensus on trying to lose weight and drinking? If I have room in my calorie count for one glass of red wine tonight, should I drink it or skip? (And yes, I can stop at 1 glass.) I have found lots of mixed research on the topic and would love to hear what you all think.



  • random255
    random255 Posts: 18 Member
    edited January 2016
    Although MFP doesn't let me directly log it, I build up a calorie deficit for the week, knowing full I'll drink it on Saturday night. So I'll shave off 50 cal here, 140 cal there, and by Saturday I'll be 300-500 cal under what it says I should be (even for the deficit). Then on Sat when I drink my 5-6 diet coke and vodkas, it works its way back towards even.

    I've still been losing 1-2 pounds a week doing this.

    Lots of others do this, they call it 'banking' their calories. You just gotta' be careful, don't want to under eat too much, because those vodkas aren't coming with a ton of nutrients. :smirk:
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    I got to my goal whilst drinking about once a week, sometimes more. Just log it, keep in your calories and if having more than one, try to be low sugar with your food that day to balance out the sugars in alcohol xx
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I avoid it because I am more likely to snack when I drink. But that's just me. If you can stay within your calories, macros and micros, I see zero problem with it.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Ultimately, yes. The problem I have when I drink is the munchies I get once I'm intoxicated. Somehow, those never end up getting logged. :D
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    Drink it ;)

    Here is an article by Martin Berkhan about the topic I found useful: The truth about alcohol, fat loss and muscle growth

    I really agree with his statement: "However, despite being a potent inhibitor of lipolysis, alcohol/acetate alone cannot cause fat gain by itself. It's all the junk people eat in conjunction with alcohol intake that causes fat gain."
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    It's fine. I have a drink almost every night.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    It's fine. Some days I run a couple of extra miles just so that I can have a glass of wine!
  • jb06592
    jb06592 Posts: 19 Member
    I am trying to lose the same amount of weight and I was wondering the same thing! I still have 10 ounces of red wine every night and it fits in my calories. I have also managed to lose one pound per week so far. I even "cheat" a little on the weekend and have an extra glass of wine or two. Enjoy the wine!
  • jlcbooth
    jlcbooth Posts: 35 Member
    I love you all! :) I think I'll still try to not drink some nights, but I do think I'll have a glass of red wine with dinner most nights -IF it fits. And good tip about the sugar ... I'll try to be under my sugar goal by a bunch on the days I have a drink!
  • erinc5
    erinc5 Posts: 329 Member
    Yep. Alcohol is fine as long as it fits into calorie goals. The problem I have is what other have mentioned - post drink snacking. I also have the problem of "I'll just have one" but that usually turns into 3 drinks... I try to save it for the weekends only and bank some calories during the week or go on a very long walk on Saturday morning to make up for it.
  • Talan79
    Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
    I think as long as your not getting trashed and eating junk at 3am you are ok. Alcohol has an effect on fat oxidization. Don't eat high fat foods while drinking.
  • If it fits into your calorie goals, absolutely. Go for it.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    Go for it! If if fits in your calorie goals can't see why that would be an issue with weight loss. I cut out regular drinking, but really only to ensure I stay within my calorie goals. Plus it had become too much of a habit for me to go home from work and have a few glasses of wine or beers, and for personal reasons I wanted to break that habit.
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    Go for it. I personally switched to only special occasions and I find the times I do drink more enjoyable because of it
  • harrybananas
    harrybananas Posts: 292 Member
    Do it, even if it does not fit in your calorie goals. Matter fact, don't even log it.
  • gracepost123
    gracepost123 Posts: 81 Member
    random255 wrote: »
    Although MFP doesn't let me directly log it, I build up a calorie deficit for the week, knowing full I'll drink it on Saturday night. So I'll shave off 50 cal here, 140 cal there, and by Saturday I'll be 300-500 cal under what it says I should be (even for the deficit). Then on Sat when I drink my 5-6 diet coke and vodkas, it works its way back towards even.

    I've still been losing 1-2 pounds a week doing this.

    Lots of others do this, they call it 'banking' their calories. You just gotta' be careful, don't want to under eat too much, because those vodkas aren't coming with a ton of nutrients. :smirk:

    Wait..... You can BANK your calories?? Like roll over calories?? Like if I have 100 calories left over every day for 5 days then on Saturday I have 500 extra calories?
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    random255 wrote: »
    Although MFP doesn't let me directly log it, I build up a calorie deficit for the week, knowing full I'll drink it on Saturday night. So I'll shave off 50 cal here, 140 cal there, and by Saturday I'll be 300-500 cal under what it says I should be (even for the deficit). Then on Sat when I drink my 5-6 diet coke and vodkas, it works its way back towards even.

    I've still been losing 1-2 pounds a week doing this.

    Lots of others do this, they call it 'banking' their calories. You just gotta' be careful, don't want to under eat too much, because those vodkas aren't coming with a ton of nutrients. :smirk:

    Wait..... You can BANK your calories?? Like roll over calories?? Like if I have 100 calories left over every day for 5 days then on Saturday I have 500 extra calories?

    Yes. Many of us follow a weekly average and it works well.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I drink once a week numerous light beers. Don't count them-it's weekly. I do watch my food intake that day.
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    Ultimately, yes. The problem I have when I drink is the munchies I get once I'm intoxicated. Somehow, those never end up getting logged. :D

    What are you drinking? I find heavier craft beers leave me fuller so I don't feel like eating. I could almost use an iPA like some people use protein shakea
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    srecupid wrote: »
    Ultimately, yes. The problem I have when I drink is the munchies I get once I'm intoxicated. Somehow, those never end up getting logged. :D

    What are you drinking? I find heavier craft beers leave me fuller so I don't feel like eating. I could almost use an iPA like some people use protein shake

    You say that like there's something wrong with it :)