New Year, New Me... Again!

Hi y'all! My name is Jennie and I'm 29 for the 3rd time! Lol
I first started using myfitnesspal in 2012 and lost 80 lbs in 9 months. But since then I have gained all my weight back, :(
So I am gratefully and gladly back to using this app and all of yalls support, encouragement and good vibes to get my health and life back on track! My goal is to lose 100 lbs! I know it's a big goal, but I WILL REACH IT!
I'm 5'11 so I have my height to my advantage! I'm looking for friends to help me on this new health journey and an looking forward to making and helping a lot of you awesome people along the way to your fit and fabulous healthy lifestyle!!
So add me and we will kick this what we all call FAT and UNHEALTHY lifestyles *kitten*!!